CLINICAL EDUCATION SOCIETY 'The work of the pedagogue The Clinical Educator is a professional, working in research centers and workshops, in collaboration with other specialists, agencies and institutions, carries out his intervention to help promote the growth process of the person, understood in its totality, as a collection of resources and potential to discover and develop. Its objective is to promote the well being of its del'individuo and overcoming hardships. Just because it works in this direction, it becomes the fundamental contribution that the Education Clinic offers in society today's increasingly complex and problematic in a society where people increasingly need help to find themselves and their balance. The Clinical Educator
implementing interventions in various areas and services aimed at the person
· Jobs in nurseries and schools of all and able to promote growth paths, prevention, integration of experiences and relationships , can take over the training of teachers and parents to foster dialogue, communication and the free self-expression and can manage to listen for doors to be a valuable support and guidance in the choices of young people a significant help to overcome problems all pupils;
· work at the hospital, to make the shelter affective-relational and caring for the patient and his family, to live with less discomfort to the relationship to suffering and illness, to make routes and trade relations and the rediscovery of their identity, dedicated professionals who need to experience their emotions , learning to manage them, acquiring a media attitude in dealing with the patient;
· Jobs in senior centers, in order to stress the visual-auditory skills, sensory-perceptual experiences and allow mnemonic, to live his own world-emotional affective and recover one's self, accepting the changes resulting from the passage of time;
· She worked in the clinics, to support and strengthening the autonomy and accountability and to offer people the chance to open up and communicate their discomfort to find ways to address and overcome;
· Work in law firms as a consultant for aid operations to the components involved Cases such as support for people in distress as a mediator in conflicts or communication, to create emotional balance and emotional;
· Work in the courts to allow judges to have a broader vision of the problem situation and have a better understanding before making a decision;
· Jobs in collaboration with pediatricians and psychiatrists , to allow children to know, live it, gain confidence in themselves and in their capacity for positive development of self;
· among employees, to foster relationships and communication between members of the organization, to foster cooperation, to manage conflict and create a climate of harmony and balance;
· Community Labour as supporting people to overcome their hardships psycho-physical and socio-relational, recover their balances and the availability to others;
· works at the Centers for Disabled , experimentation the newspaper, to stress and recovery of their functions, to facilitate integration and gain confidence in themselves;
· works for the prevention of delinquency ;
· Work in all projects and workshops that have educational value and to depict the Person and its Welfare.