The FNISM. A historical association and its site-magazine.
The National Federation of High School Teachers (now the National Federation of Teachers) was founded in 1902 by Joseph Kirner and Gaetano Salvemini unifying the various associations active then. Its objectives were the enhancement of the role and position of teachers, distribution and support of the popular school, the protection of the prerogatives of state school (of all and for all), the preservation of culture and values \u200b\u200bof secularism. Loose in the Fascist period, the Federation was reconstituted in 1946 salveminiana maintaining a position metapolitical "of" party school ". He has always fought against any form of public funding of private schools, against the teaching of religion in school and during school hours. He supported the unification of the school, the introduction of the governing bodies, the organizational, managerial and teaching schools. Consistent with the secularism and pluralism have always advocated in school and in society, FNISM a position on various current issues, more or less directly affect the schools, often in conjunction with other professional associations. "What we think of "is the column that stores documents, comments and statements of the association. "The echo of the new school," the quarterly FNISM, is proposed on-line in his capacity as a printed book. In the last issue, the President of the Federation, Gigliola Corduas, inspired by the outcry over a video that documented a violent treatment of children by teachers of a kindergarten, to deplore, of course, the incident and develop thinking the difficulty of the teaching profession is not only not so much in terms of teaching, because, especially in terms of relationships with pupils and their families. The questions that arise from necessarily relate to Training of teachers: why offer tools to reward merit of a few without addressing the merits of the formation of all? Not "know enough to know how to teach their subject: the complexity of educational problems in today's society that teachers have to face requires a redefinition of the professional profile of the base that touches many dimensions (pedagogical, sociological, relational, methodological ..) involved from the relationship, often very difficult, with students and families. The government's proposal of "sugar", individual and individualism, merit and career for some, not addressing the general problem that threatens to bring to old principles of correction authoritarian, teacher-missionary animated by religious ideals, but not professionally capable of solving the difficulties that are delegated by their families. Then forcefully an organic project, scientifically and culturally based, with adequate financial resources and good prospects that open for the future.
"Italian language as a means to integration" is the title of a conference in which, even with the contribution of various cultural institutions, were examined for possible changes in methods and tools of the "Dante Alighieri", changes necessary to continue , as appropriate to the current needs of a country of high immigration, the valuable work of spreading the knowledge of Italian culture and language.
"The difficult relationship between school and religion" is highlighted in a broad and comment on the decision in 7076 of 27/7/2009 with the TAR of Lazio has established the illegality of private college credit only to those who had followed the 'teaching of the Catholic religion, claims brought by an order of the Minister Fioroni state exams in the 2007 / 8. Accepting an appeal against the order presented by various secular and religious organizations was justified in holding the religious choice of a strictly personal so do not amenable to evaluation of school-type also allocation of credit would be highly discriminatory as it was impossible, in public schools, to ensure equal to other religions or non credenti.Tre FNISM complete motions of the speech: in "A subject like few" (Oct. 09) will emphasize the many grounds of an educational, political, cultural, social, economic (cuts and the consequent impossibility of hours alternatives), pedagogical (the calculation of the conveniences of the students) that lead to the denial of voting and awarding credits to the teaching of religion .
"Now the Islamic religion in school? No, thank you. "(Nov. 09) The proposal, yet another provocation, it is absolutely be rejected. And 'that the school should provide information on the major religions, but it is absurd to think of separating students according to their religious beliefs, especially in the presence of an increasing number of races and creeds. At the school the task of encouraging the formation of cultural background, families that religious indoctrination.
"Among the symbols and values." Report of a position in favor of the ruling of the Federation of the European Court in Strasbourg against the presence of crucifixes in classrooms, the presence in stark contrast with the freedom accorded to parents of any democracy, to educate their children in the chosen form of religion. In the wake of comments that followed the European ruling "Echo" contests, with considerable polemic "The reason for the Lawrence World crucified" appeared in "La Stampa" (8 Nov). Claudio Magris and those stated by the Corriere della Sera "(7 Nov).. In support of a secular point of view on the issue is fully quoted "Symbols of faith. The crucifix on, "article by Emilio Gentile," Il Sole 24 ore "(8 Nov). That complaint, with examples from history and custom, the frequently distorted, often blasphemous heretic if not, use the Christian symbol.
Other articles on problems of teaching (mathematics, astronomy, history ..) and topical (The secondary school of the precarious workers, immigration, multi-ethnic society ..) or school experiences further enrich the cultural climate in which it moves without betraying the FNISM, renewing itself, its origins.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Coraline 3d Dvd Viewing Issues
share good news with friends and thank the people with whom I worked, which for many years believed in me and who have worked for my path. Today I got a call
dall'OdG, order of journalists, confirming that my request to be included in the book, see my full resume, was accepted without hesitation, hoping good job. So
are now available for a serious job in that area where I feel I can apply much of my multi-faceted culture, but also the ability to bring analysis to compare and disseminate practical aspects of our way of life, describing the transverse side of my life so special .
is a big responsibility, a new benchmark from which to write another story. I hope to do good things and am very happy.
all. Greetings to all
carlo Marian Sartoris
h ttp: / /
335.232431 - Italy
share good news with friends and thank the people with whom I worked, which for many years believed in me and who have worked for my path. Today I got a call
dall'OdG, order of journalists, confirming that my request to be included in the book, see my full resume, was accepted without hesitation, hoping good job. So
are now available for a serious job in that area where I feel I can apply much of my multi-faceted culture, but also the ability to bring analysis to compare and disseminate practical aspects of our way of life, describing the transverse side of my life so special .
is a big responsibility, a new benchmark from which to write another story. I hope to do good things and am very happy.
all. Greetings to all
carlo Marian Sartoris
h ttp: / /
335.232431 - Italy
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Reds Dots On My Babies Scalp
request proposals for changes to the rules of the road on road safety, we accept tips
Personal Reviews amendments to the rules of the road:
After I forwarded between the VRI articles trying to make the best of myself and my personal experience, the first to list a few modest suggestions, I would appeal to a logic that is still neglected and to which I am devoting a long time. Making prevention
road every now and then telling schools what is a painful path of life marked by an incident, showing no qualms about my disability, it is useful, but highly dispersed and very small in its ability to penetrate consciousness for a long time .
Acting in a play built almost on purpose to expand the reach of your message which is nothing but a hymn to life, adventure is fun and challenging, but it does not produce the desired results. Making a video for distribution is one more step, but not enough.
I dream of being able to dictate terms to a program that can really achieve all the houses, people, people's consciousness, and there, in thought and knowledge to lay the foundation for a different social behavior, more aware of the sense membership, less dependent on the false and outdated myths of the superman, now scaled down by a way of life increasingly complex, unwieldy, with no reference points, fundamentally wrong.
I dream of be able to tell everyone that the bones in an accident do crack, you hear almost evil, and the blood that flows to the face is not yours, but that's what your girlfriend is dying next to you. Dream to tell in a technical manner, scientific incomprehensible clear, using language more appropriate and necessary.
These and many other things I believe are fundamental, essential, intelligent and well-reasoned, to change bad attitudes that are children of the same product: the television message that highlights other myths. To fight a myth should create another account. On television, the good
never die, on television must be beautiful, rich and well dressed, you must have a mattress intelligent beautiful car, very fast, powerful, prestigious, but there is no problem, you will never happen ... nothing.
But no, the accident is very democratic, they are bound for a certain social class or just young people or people of a certain age, affecting everyone, good and bad, fathers, mothers and children, it's time to tell the truth, it's time to teach how to live in another way using the most persuasive is there.
It is with great conviction, albeit modestly, I think that the whole repressive movement, made up of laws, limits, fines, penalties, designed to establish a correct behavior on the roads is due to a wrong origin that leads the man with the improper behavior in the approach to life and therefore also in the acquired action that almost everyone does: drive.
I'm sure that can be remedied in part with a policy of education to know that information to create a process of attention and interest around the problem of living or dying while behind the wheel.
A program on Friday, at 19.30, a national distribution network. A message that an hour is not intended for children of high school, but an event run by smart people who know what they do, no ifs, ands or buts ... ... as they say in politics now.
A program that certainly would have an audience in a position to ensure the interests of other sponsors Advertising, in short, perfectly placed in the perspective of profit that we went to get bogged down and in which we have to move.
I will build on my mind for years, is fully endorsed in the medical department of neurology and intensive care, I think even the title.
In reference to the articles of the law
Very interesting
Article 23 on the reporting obligation of states of coma and the attention given to the consequences of accidents are not serious injuries. In my case the person causing the accident has not been subjected to no control, or alcohol or anything.
Article 24
do not know if I missed the detail may already considered elsewhere, but I always thought that a foreigner driving in another country, even though its license is valid and recognized, must possess the minimum knowledge of the language of the country in which it is moving, as many reports and tourist information are in national language
Article 25 - Article 42
I seem to remember that a substantial portion of the proceeds from the penalties for such infringement is intended to driver education programs, I found no mention, but maybe I confused with another . Article 28
perhaps limit 60 km times the transport speed of motorcycles carrying children on rural roads may be dangerous as subject to constant overtaking
Article 34 if
on page 30, after the extensive discussion of driving under the alcohol and drug addiction, told in Article 187, paragraph 2, makes explicit reference to ' therapeutic use of medical substances: sedatives, tranquilizers and painkillers, I think it is very important to ascertain the use of these elements, it does not talk much, but there are many who use them, well then, as stated in Article 56 the detection of dangerous drugs.
Article 50 as regards the introduction of a device type: black box, the helmet of the motorcycle or car, to determine its speed media and drawing information in case of accident, the escalation of progress leads me to think otherwise, because at this point there is something wrong. I'd like to, the following were evaluated.
The complexity of the idea of \u200b\u200bblack box and certainly the cost of the application I raise a simple question that is in the head and the usual conversation of most citizens and that is, but because they continue to enforce speed limits and determining sanctions when it would be much more logical, ecological, economic, simple, smart and well liked, and finally, in very practical issue with the talk of road safety, stop with the sale of vehicles that have higher performance and offer more concrete?
The harsh law of the global market does not mean that we can not overturn, resulting in a new market, a new way to produce and sell other products.
After all, would also be an obvious, simple answer to the problem of the industry crisis, unemployment and the economic crisis.
would be great for a time from first! Create a new market and a new, old, travel system, more peaceful and slow, as it is now resorting to alternative energy and does not understand why we are still thinking!
They are not so many more vehicles to be desired more powerful, the speed of movement permitted by law are more than sufficient to meet the present needs of many people. Moreover, not long ago, owning a vehicle that was traveling at 140 km / h was almost a luxury. I think of my father and his beautiful Lancia Appia, fantastic car, 132 km / h, not one more, but still ...
A large proportion of the population is ripe to accept the slower vehicles, safer, more comfortable, cleaner, more in step with the times of an increasingly chaotic movement that does not allow even more fun to crush the accelerator .
people, first under the spell of new products more advanced and promoted, but not always share. The people at times it is ripe.
you realize the interests of companies linked to the sale, but does not explain why they continue to bring cars and motorcycles exceeding 200 mph with a disarming ease and then have to devise complex systems to suppress an object suitable for running, studied carefully in order to stimulate the desire to speed inherent in the animal straight man and his ancestral, historical, intrinsic competitiveness. Article 58
the extremely delicate topic on alternative measures to imprisonment, I can only express the views of my own.
First, it is obvious that when we speak of imprisonment you are faced with cases of special claims, is not a case of public opinion difficult to accept that some decisions at times difficult to understand the basic concept is that a car is a weapon of great power improperly, more than a gun, who uses it should know.
behind me want me to superimpose a more forward thinking than mine, but frankly, in some cases, the concept of behavioral rehabilitation entrusted with the social services, should be truly guaranteed in its result, because it is frankly difficult to accept certain iterations of crime and certain behavior of absolute individualism and contempt for the lives of others, perhaps related a way of life culturally wrong now, he has lost the ethics of an old religion now. Article 59
do not think it so important whether or not the generality of the disabled, which surely is not ashamed of it, however, since I am 100% disabled, I would like to emphasize a particular known about me from near
would love a strict control of persons using the parking ticket for the handicapped. Very often I see a perfectly able-bodied from the car, but with permission. They are funny when you look around for any traffic policeman. Then I see them and perhaps they are ashamed. Sometimes they pretend to limp, are pathetic and spin away.
asked to give my opinion on the document of the Senate in the new provisions related to road safety, I take this opportunity to expand my views beyond the document viewed.
Since the concept of road safety campaign is primarily linked to the preservation of human life, after reading the document, I take the time to point out some points that concern both the general attitude that ignores the ancient customs of the road almost ignored, and changes road and traffic.
A reader decide if this is something worthy of attention. The same attention aroused
a victim in the street in which belief is: The incident does not exist in nature, it is almost always generated by human error. As such it is avoidable.
I believe that the road traffic, after a recent trip of over 1000 km, is ultimately flawed by a habit of overtaking cars on the right who travel within the limitation of speed from other cars, instead of asking for passing on the right road surpass .
I judge it is a dangerous maneuver that should be punished as if not more, of exceeding them. The risk is the tendency to shift to the right of one vehicle, freeing the way for the second and find the committed by the same lane.
The same trip, because they are transported and very attentive to the risks that are interfering with the driver, he stressed that, perhaps because of the good braking performance of vehicles or the latest generation of their powerful acceleration, the concept of safe distance, to which I hold a lot, is interpreted as an empty space to fill.
The car that meets the safety margin is always invited to move to the right or is exceeded. I believe that the safe distance between vehicles, especially on the highway, should be controlled so much. The trucks travel at 100 km / h with a minimum safety distance. The risks are high and not sanctioned, much less than the passing of a speed limit, which, after all, whether in straight free, has no equal risk components.
Another phenomenon that I observed, dangerous and very common, perhaps due to the feeling of safety due to double-side rearview mirror, is the lack of employment, both truck drivers who, direction indicators, both in the moment of overtaking, as when returning to a right lane.
This is also very dangerous offense, especially if coupled with a sustained speed of vehicles that come and announce to the other: to overtake on the right and the lack of compliance with the safety distances. I think that the direction indicator is required when reporting the intention to change lanes with a good time. Ignoring this simple gesture becomes a journey in a game where you need to have 1000 eyes and tension, especially when the traffic is very dense, it becomes almost a feeling common to all. It 's true that the voltage increases the level of attention, but do not report the change of direction in a timely manner to respect other people's movement should I be reminded often of recommendations and then pursued when not strictly implemented.
The malpractice to ignore or use the flags at the last minute change of direction is very common even in urban and suburban traffic. Yes This is a simple gesture that can cause serious accidents, especially in cases where a motorcycle can occur. Even a simple low velocity impact can cause severe damage to the motorcyclist. Not indicate the move with the arrow seems to almost become a habit especially on roundabouts. A car that comes and deals with a roundabout with the intention to turn or go along I think I should be absolutely required to indicate their intentions.
All notes from here on were taken from another document and placed before you get to see article 47, which goes all the praise and all my modest adoption:
establishment of the committee and the coordination of activities related to road safety.
And Article 48, the obligations of the owner bodies of the dealers of the streets and highways.
I am pleased that my vision of small town coincides with the intention of the government and I congratulate you. I submit my attention equally subdued, hoping to contribute only a tiny part in the program that I was subjected.
in many cases, especially in roads, have a design sufficient to allow trucks to meet them without dangerous weight transfer and without hitting the edges because they are too narrow in the roadway and is too small.
when they are not properly marked and very visible as located around a bend, or otherwise barely visible, the round becomes a trap for the motorcycles, because of their dynamic movement that requires half of the slope, are not able to change direction in a sudden. Even cars are often the victims of sudden round, poorly reported, poorly visible and characterized by a parapet that becomes an unexpected obstacle.
Victims of these works very questionable, people are often in transit at that location at random and not out of habit because who knows the dangerous place is to prevent and avoid it, but those who pass for the first time is in serious difficulties. Instead
embellish the monuments I wonder why not at least make them more docile preventing the impact of the deadly walls are made of. Of course, should be reported in advance with appropriate drawings on the asphalt, if not abolish them when they are criminals.
Just like in the round, a long time I have been fighting for an awareness of the deadly shape of the guardrail, a major cause of mortality and permanent disability of motorcyclists, as well as due to frontal impact of cars that bounce in the opposite lane.
The guardrail is designed to prevent the vehicle's off the road. Lately there is a proliferation of this accessory, often because so little thought the metal support becomes a real grinder for cyclists and motorcyclists who have the misfortune to slip even at low speeds, even in a simple hairpin.
recently talking with the doctors at the spinal unit of Turin, without specifying the topic, which arose from the same primary confirmation with the following sentence: - If only eliminated the guardrail you would see many fewer broken lives -
in France guardrail is often double, there is a bottom that protects the supporting posts, a real lifesaver during a slide, which, especially with the wet track, it is always lurking for a two-wheeled vehicle primarily.
the guardrail is useful in some cases, unnecessary and dangerous in others. You should calculate the benefits and dangers, delete where, instead of leaving a vehicle to lie down in the grass, the bounce in the opposite lane.
perhaps it is time to imagine a different side protection from the existing steel plates, invent it, patent it and sell it all over the world because the problem is global.
a commission to control the guardrail killers would do well to dwell on the same position in the case of a crossroads. Sometimes, in the case of a fork and sudden ill-entry easier, the indecision of a driver has repeatedly led to squeeze the nose in what, by that protection should be a can opener that becomes opens the car in two. I personally witnessed a case like this. It requires at least a very gentle curvature of the guardrail so that leaves no escape distraction.
An accomplice of poor road safety, despite the good intentions and repeatedly found references to his attention by the state, is the road itself.
Once again the two-wheeled vehicles are the most vulnerable. The holes in particular, the bumps to slow down too pronounced, a smooth and slippery asphalt, gravel or the presence of foreign bodies in the circulation will affect the balance. The result is often debilitating.
With reference to Article 42, the worthy goal that targets the proceeds sanctions, even the maintenance of roads, does not always produce the desired effects.
It seems a contradiction in forcing the motorcyclist to install a completely protective helmet so that it can fall into more security because of a deep hole and not reported, even at night.
To simplify the identification of sites and dangerous sites, let me suggest an interactive service that can put the driver in a position to talk to a body responsible for monitoring measures to modify maintenance of roadways.
would be sufficient to an Internet site to which the citizen can see, connect with the agency responsible for the stretch of road, be it the state, region or municipality, indicating a particularly dangerous that requires intervention, create an archive of reports as provided for in Article 57 on data all'incidentalità road, but according to records created at the bottom of who pays for the transport of himself and so it pays enjoying the streets: the common people.
If you experience severe or fatal accidents at that same point, at this point could be considered negligence by the responsible authority, despite being forewarned, it has failed to correct. There may be details of crime in many cases where the liability is often elusive or too often superficially delegated to improper driving behavior.
A commission for the control of works affecting the secondary roadways would definitely be a great benefit, remedy design errors that, first as a user and only then as an architect, in many cases I sembno approximate, perhaps arising from the needs of representation and street furniture of questionable taste, not by actual need to improve the flow of traffic. In this case, the proceeds as Article 42 on the destination of the proceeds from fines, are certainly not been involved in a better way.
A very personal reflection:
would consider it a necessary reference to the requirement of a total respect of the reliefs from the police order in case of traffic accidents involving injury. This does not always happen, especially in peripheral areas, on roads, where many times the staff has little training and less experienced.
Carlo Mariano Sartoris
Personal Reviews amendments to the rules of the road:
After I forwarded between the VRI articles trying to make the best of myself and my personal experience, the first to list a few modest suggestions, I would appeal to a logic that is still neglected and to which I am devoting a long time. Making prevention
road every now and then telling schools what is a painful path of life marked by an incident, showing no qualms about my disability, it is useful, but highly dispersed and very small in its ability to penetrate consciousness for a long time .
Acting in a play built almost on purpose to expand the reach of your message which is nothing but a hymn to life, adventure is fun and challenging, but it does not produce the desired results. Making a video for distribution is one more step, but not enough.
I dream of being able to dictate terms to a program that can really achieve all the houses, people, people's consciousness, and there, in thought and knowledge to lay the foundation for a different social behavior, more aware of the sense membership, less dependent on the false and outdated myths of the superman, now scaled down by a way of life increasingly complex, unwieldy, with no reference points, fundamentally wrong.
I dream of be able to tell everyone that the bones in an accident do crack, you hear almost evil, and the blood that flows to the face is not yours, but that's what your girlfriend is dying next to you. Dream to tell in a technical manner, scientific incomprehensible clear, using language more appropriate and necessary.
These and many other things I believe are fundamental, essential, intelligent and well-reasoned, to change bad attitudes that are children of the same product: the television message that highlights other myths. To fight a myth should create another account. On television, the good
never die, on television must be beautiful, rich and well dressed, you must have a mattress intelligent beautiful car, very fast, powerful, prestigious, but there is no problem, you will never happen ... nothing.
But no, the accident is very democratic, they are bound for a certain social class or just young people or people of a certain age, affecting everyone, good and bad, fathers, mothers and children, it's time to tell the truth, it's time to teach how to live in another way using the most persuasive is there.
It is with great conviction, albeit modestly, I think that the whole repressive movement, made up of laws, limits, fines, penalties, designed to establish a correct behavior on the roads is due to a wrong origin that leads the man with the improper behavior in the approach to life and therefore also in the acquired action that almost everyone does: drive.
I'm sure that can be remedied in part with a policy of education to know that information to create a process of attention and interest around the problem of living or dying while behind the wheel.
A program on Friday, at 19.30, a national distribution network. A message that an hour is not intended for children of high school, but an event run by smart people who know what they do, no ifs, ands or buts ... ... as they say in politics now.
A program that certainly would have an audience in a position to ensure the interests of other sponsors Advertising, in short, perfectly placed in the perspective of profit that we went to get bogged down and in which we have to move.
I will build on my mind for years, is fully endorsed in the medical department of neurology and intensive care, I think even the title.
In reference to the articles of the law
Very interesting
Article 23 on the reporting obligation of states of coma and the attention given to the consequences of accidents are not serious injuries. In my case the person causing the accident has not been subjected to no control, or alcohol or anything.
Article 24
do not know if I missed the detail may already considered elsewhere, but I always thought that a foreigner driving in another country, even though its license is valid and recognized, must possess the minimum knowledge of the language of the country in which it is moving, as many reports and tourist information are in national language
Article 25 - Article 42
I seem to remember that a substantial portion of the proceeds from the penalties for such infringement is intended to driver education programs, I found no mention, but maybe I confused with another . Article 28
perhaps limit 60 km times the transport speed of motorcycles carrying children on rural roads may be dangerous as subject to constant overtaking
Article 34 if
on page 30, after the extensive discussion of driving under the alcohol and drug addiction, told in Article 187, paragraph 2, makes explicit reference to ' therapeutic use of medical substances: sedatives, tranquilizers and painkillers, I think it is very important to ascertain the use of these elements, it does not talk much, but there are many who use them, well then, as stated in Article 56 the detection of dangerous drugs.
Article 50 as regards the introduction of a device type: black box, the helmet of the motorcycle or car, to determine its speed media and drawing information in case of accident, the escalation of progress leads me to think otherwise, because at this point there is something wrong. I'd like to, the following were evaluated.
The complexity of the idea of \u200b\u200bblack box and certainly the cost of the application I raise a simple question that is in the head and the usual conversation of most citizens and that is, but because they continue to enforce speed limits and determining sanctions when it would be much more logical, ecological, economic, simple, smart and well liked, and finally, in very practical issue with the talk of road safety, stop with the sale of vehicles that have higher performance and offer more concrete?
The harsh law of the global market does not mean that we can not overturn, resulting in a new market, a new way to produce and sell other products.
After all, would also be an obvious, simple answer to the problem of the industry crisis, unemployment and the economic crisis.
would be great for a time from first! Create a new market and a new, old, travel system, more peaceful and slow, as it is now resorting to alternative energy and does not understand why we are still thinking!
They are not so many more vehicles to be desired more powerful, the speed of movement permitted by law are more than sufficient to meet the present needs of many people. Moreover, not long ago, owning a vehicle that was traveling at 140 km / h was almost a luxury. I think of my father and his beautiful Lancia Appia, fantastic car, 132 km / h, not one more, but still ...
A large proportion of the population is ripe to accept the slower vehicles, safer, more comfortable, cleaner, more in step with the times of an increasingly chaotic movement that does not allow even more fun to crush the accelerator .
people, first under the spell of new products more advanced and promoted, but not always share. The people at times it is ripe.
you realize the interests of companies linked to the sale, but does not explain why they continue to bring cars and motorcycles exceeding 200 mph with a disarming ease and then have to devise complex systems to suppress an object suitable for running, studied carefully in order to stimulate the desire to speed inherent in the animal straight man and his ancestral, historical, intrinsic competitiveness. Article 58
the extremely delicate topic on alternative measures to imprisonment, I can only express the views of my own.
First, it is obvious that when we speak of imprisonment you are faced with cases of special claims, is not a case of public opinion difficult to accept that some decisions at times difficult to understand the basic concept is that a car is a weapon of great power improperly, more than a gun, who uses it should know.
behind me want me to superimpose a more forward thinking than mine, but frankly, in some cases, the concept of behavioral rehabilitation entrusted with the social services, should be truly guaranteed in its result, because it is frankly difficult to accept certain iterations of crime and certain behavior of absolute individualism and contempt for the lives of others, perhaps related a way of life culturally wrong now, he has lost the ethics of an old religion now. Article 59
do not think it so important whether or not the generality of the disabled, which surely is not ashamed of it, however, since I am 100% disabled, I would like to emphasize a particular known about me from near
would love a strict control of persons using the parking ticket for the handicapped. Very often I see a perfectly able-bodied from the car, but with permission. They are funny when you look around for any traffic policeman. Then I see them and perhaps they are ashamed. Sometimes they pretend to limp, are pathetic and spin away.
asked to give my opinion on the document of the Senate in the new provisions related to road safety, I take this opportunity to expand my views beyond the document viewed.
Since the concept of road safety campaign is primarily linked to the preservation of human life, after reading the document, I take the time to point out some points that concern both the general attitude that ignores the ancient customs of the road almost ignored, and changes road and traffic.
A reader decide if this is something worthy of attention. The same attention aroused
a victim in the street in which belief is: The incident does not exist in nature, it is almost always generated by human error. As such it is avoidable.
I believe that the road traffic, after a recent trip of over 1000 km, is ultimately flawed by a habit of overtaking cars on the right who travel within the limitation of speed from other cars, instead of asking for passing on the right road surpass .
I judge it is a dangerous maneuver that should be punished as if not more, of exceeding them. The risk is the tendency to shift to the right of one vehicle, freeing the way for the second and find the committed by the same lane.
The same trip, because they are transported and very attentive to the risks that are interfering with the driver, he stressed that, perhaps because of the good braking performance of vehicles or the latest generation of their powerful acceleration, the concept of safe distance, to which I hold a lot, is interpreted as an empty space to fill.
The car that meets the safety margin is always invited to move to the right or is exceeded. I believe that the safe distance between vehicles, especially on the highway, should be controlled so much. The trucks travel at 100 km / h with a minimum safety distance. The risks are high and not sanctioned, much less than the passing of a speed limit, which, after all, whether in straight free, has no equal risk components.
Another phenomenon that I observed, dangerous and very common, perhaps due to the feeling of safety due to double-side rearview mirror, is the lack of employment, both truck drivers who, direction indicators, both in the moment of overtaking, as when returning to a right lane.
This is also very dangerous offense, especially if coupled with a sustained speed of vehicles that come and announce to the other: to overtake on the right and the lack of compliance with the safety distances. I think that the direction indicator is required when reporting the intention to change lanes with a good time. Ignoring this simple gesture becomes a journey in a game where you need to have 1000 eyes and tension, especially when the traffic is very dense, it becomes almost a feeling common to all. It 's true that the voltage increases the level of attention, but do not report the change of direction in a timely manner to respect other people's movement should I be reminded often of recommendations and then pursued when not strictly implemented.
The malpractice to ignore or use the flags at the last minute change of direction is very common even in urban and suburban traffic. Yes This is a simple gesture that can cause serious accidents, especially in cases where a motorcycle can occur. Even a simple low velocity impact can cause severe damage to the motorcyclist. Not indicate the move with the arrow seems to almost become a habit especially on roundabouts. A car that comes and deals with a roundabout with the intention to turn or go along I think I should be absolutely required to indicate their intentions.
All notes from here on were taken from another document and placed before you get to see article 47, which goes all the praise and all my modest adoption:
establishment of the committee and the coordination of activities related to road safety.
And Article 48, the obligations of the owner bodies of the dealers of the streets and highways.
I am pleased that my vision of small town coincides with the intention of the government and I congratulate you. I submit my attention equally subdued, hoping to contribute only a tiny part in the program that I was subjected.
in many cases, especially in roads, have a design sufficient to allow trucks to meet them without dangerous weight transfer and without hitting the edges because they are too narrow in the roadway and is too small.
when they are not properly marked and very visible as located around a bend, or otherwise barely visible, the round becomes a trap for the motorcycles, because of their dynamic movement that requires half of the slope, are not able to change direction in a sudden. Even cars are often the victims of sudden round, poorly reported, poorly visible and characterized by a parapet that becomes an unexpected obstacle.
Victims of these works very questionable, people are often in transit at that location at random and not out of habit because who knows the dangerous place is to prevent and avoid it, but those who pass for the first time is in serious difficulties. Instead
embellish the monuments I wonder why not at least make them more docile preventing the impact of the deadly walls are made of. Of course, should be reported in advance with appropriate drawings on the asphalt, if not abolish them when they are criminals.
Just like in the round, a long time I have been fighting for an awareness of the deadly shape of the guardrail, a major cause of mortality and permanent disability of motorcyclists, as well as due to frontal impact of cars that bounce in the opposite lane.
The guardrail is designed to prevent the vehicle's off the road. Lately there is a proliferation of this accessory, often because so little thought the metal support becomes a real grinder for cyclists and motorcyclists who have the misfortune to slip even at low speeds, even in a simple hairpin.
recently talking with the doctors at the spinal unit of Turin, without specifying the topic, which arose from the same primary confirmation with the following sentence: - If only eliminated the guardrail you would see many fewer broken lives -
in France guardrail is often double, there is a bottom that protects the supporting posts, a real lifesaver during a slide, which, especially with the wet track, it is always lurking for a two-wheeled vehicle primarily.
the guardrail is useful in some cases, unnecessary and dangerous in others. You should calculate the benefits and dangers, delete where, instead of leaving a vehicle to lie down in the grass, the bounce in the opposite lane.
perhaps it is time to imagine a different side protection from the existing steel plates, invent it, patent it and sell it all over the world because the problem is global.
a commission to control the guardrail killers would do well to dwell on the same position in the case of a crossroads. Sometimes, in the case of a fork and sudden ill-entry easier, the indecision of a driver has repeatedly led to squeeze the nose in what, by that protection should be a can opener that becomes opens the car in two. I personally witnessed a case like this. It requires at least a very gentle curvature of the guardrail so that leaves no escape distraction.
An accomplice of poor road safety, despite the good intentions and repeatedly found references to his attention by the state, is the road itself.
Once again the two-wheeled vehicles are the most vulnerable. The holes in particular, the bumps to slow down too pronounced, a smooth and slippery asphalt, gravel or the presence of foreign bodies in the circulation will affect the balance. The result is often debilitating.
With reference to Article 42, the worthy goal that targets the proceeds sanctions, even the maintenance of roads, does not always produce the desired effects.
It seems a contradiction in forcing the motorcyclist to install a completely protective helmet so that it can fall into more security because of a deep hole and not reported, even at night.
To simplify the identification of sites and dangerous sites, let me suggest an interactive service that can put the driver in a position to talk to a body responsible for monitoring measures to modify maintenance of roadways.
would be sufficient to an Internet site to which the citizen can see, connect with the agency responsible for the stretch of road, be it the state, region or municipality, indicating a particularly dangerous that requires intervention, create an archive of reports as provided for in Article 57 on data all'incidentalità road, but according to records created at the bottom of who pays for the transport of himself and so it pays enjoying the streets: the common people.
If you experience severe or fatal accidents at that same point, at this point could be considered negligence by the responsible authority, despite being forewarned, it has failed to correct. There may be details of crime in many cases where the liability is often elusive or too often superficially delegated to improper driving behavior.
A commission for the control of works affecting the secondary roadways would definitely be a great benefit, remedy design errors that, first as a user and only then as an architect, in many cases I sembno approximate, perhaps arising from the needs of representation and street furniture of questionable taste, not by actual need to improve the flow of traffic. In this case, the proceeds as Article 42 on the destination of the proceeds from fines, are certainly not been involved in a better way.
A very personal reflection:
would consider it a necessary reference to the requirement of a total respect of the reliefs from the police order in case of traffic accidents involving injury. This does not always happen, especially in peripheral areas, on roads, where many times the staff has little training and less experienced.
Carlo Mariano Sartoris
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