Nothing new under the sun
Habemus papam ... Finally the much-trumpeted pompously Gelmini reform is the law of the Italian State.
Tomorrow a new world, made of meritocracy and efficiency is also open to those ignorant hicks that make up the class and teaching Italian. The golden age is about to start .... a new era of cultural renaissance is about to overwhelm the Italian school ...
It will take decades of work to rebuild on the ruins of the welfare state that this right is accumulating on the Italians. 50 years of achievements, public school, that is ours, all Italians, are drowning in the rhetoric of a return to single teacher, the apron of 5 in the duct.
All slogans, but good for at least 50% of Italians dazed by Retequattro, Italy 1, Canale 5, and, followed by Riotta, Vespa, and many other servants without any shame, the epitome, whose handshake is more wet and slippery in the wake of the snails.
It also overlooks something else, the sad, mournful, already seen ... gangs of fascist that come with impunity undisturbed with a van full of bars before the Senate, in the historic heart of Rome, and that cause and beat in Piazza Navona.
Anyone living in Rome knows that no means like this could ever, without the tacit (?) Consent of the forces order (?) approach course and Renaissance Palazzo Madama and stop close by and download all that much to God that we have seen in the movies ... maybe in 20 years we will discover that this new strategy of tension was inspired by someone very close to services and the Palace (also this is a story already seen and heard). Cossiga true?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Trang Web Nay Coi Cung Hay, Vao Coi Thu
At 10:36, the Senate, regardless of the protests that have developed and are spreading throughout Italy, has approved a final, the Gelmini decree into law of the school with 162 votes in favor, 134 against and three abstained.
The measure, approved by the House on October 9, was not changed by the senators and Act now
With only 25 votes of difference (abstentions are considered votes against the Senate) it is launching a restoration project that devastated the public schools of the Constitution. We
t research with the protests and initiatives, needed more than ever, because the misinformation is still widespread in society and in workplaces.
We must use every means possible to ensure that this decree do not apply in schools, as well as it did with the counter-Moratti ..
Domanila participation in the strike will be even more motivated. From tomorrow we will be at the table to study the countermoves. Good
strike all
Anna Fedeli

For the moment she won:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Black Pram With Leopard Print
The numbers are not an opinion: I WILL BE AMONG THE FIRST LAST SCHOOL
Beyond any chatter on television, in that our political "fire" the figures of expenditure out of control for education in Italy, here are the comparative OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) on how states spend on education spending
Value Education% of GDP
Italy 4.4
Portugal 5.4 5.7 France 7.0 Norway
Poland 5.5 5.4 OECD average
With the cut of 8 billion budget package provided by the percentage will be reduced to 3 , 9, a measure which we will place the second lowest in the OECD rankings.
Value education spending on public spending % Italy 9.3
Spain 11.1 Ireland 14.0
Korea 15.3 Mexico 23.4 19.4 New Zealand
States Slovak Republic 19.5 13.7 United
OECD Media 13.2
This caso'Italia already falls in last place in the ranking.
the data is provided by the Ministry of Education .
Beyond any chatter on television, in that our political "fire" the figures of expenditure out of control for education in Italy, here are the comparative OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) on how states spend on education spending
Value Education% of GDP
Italy 4.4
Portugal 5.4 5.7 France 7.0 Norway
Poland 5.5 5.4 OECD average
With the cut of 8 billion budget package provided by the percentage will be reduced to 3 , 9, a measure which we will place the second lowest in the OECD rankings.
Value education spending on public spending % Italy 9.3
Spain 11.1 Ireland 14.0
Korea 15.3 Mexico 23.4 19.4 New Zealand
States Slovak Republic 19.5 13.7 United
OECD Media 13.2
This caso'Italia already falls in last place in the ranking.
the data is provided by the Ministry of Education .

Alabama Football Cake Ideas
TUESDAY 28 WEDNESDAY 29 from 16.30 and from 10.00 to 19.00 during the vote of the Gelmini decree
SIT-IN / PRESIDIO in front of the Senate ( NAVONA )
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Pe License Requirements
: Gelmini, THE REASONS FOR PROTEST The Littizzetto
''The reasons for the protest did not understand and are more and more 'convinced that many of those taking to the streets have not read the decision because' you do not understand why they occupy the universities' and do events in secondary schools, which are minimally affected by the measure that concerns the school and the university 'and higher secondary schools.'' Cosi 'Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, on Channel 5, says the protests in recent days in university and school.
Dear Minister, wants to know the reasons for the strike in the universities? Opposition to
L. 133, which seeks to overturn the university system and its public nature by changing the UNIVERSITY 'IN PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS,
The cutbacks, amounting to 1.5 billion.
And the reasons for the strike in high school?
The reduction of teaching hours, increasing the number of pupils per class, the resizing of fields of study ..
Add to that the simple view that only an ignorant person (in the Latin sense dell'etimo-and if he does not understand this subtlety, even if the face-cultural explain Bossi and Calderoli) may believe that education can be designed to compartmentalize and that a disaster in the elementary school is not passed then the resulting course of study immediately, and subsequent binding.
On the other hand I understand the Minister. The concept of solidarity between those in favor of or obvious to the rescue of others, must be something abnormal for its northern and right-handed .... cervices a notion which is not included in the booklet for Members of Forza Italy that the Berlusca sold.
These are abstruse concepts is most appropriate for you ... a Bignami of selfishness by low food (that I care, so they are rubbing someone else, if I'm quiet and well maybe do not notice me, just pay me.). .. all things to the free market, such as the head of government, unrestrained free market until five minutes ago, he taught. Now, it seems, he is doing of public interest in favor of strong its flag. But only the fool is required consistency .. right?
Dear Minister, the measure we have read, and how, as the program plan written by Tremonti! Too bad that his statements without heard on TV does not correspond to what is written on the decree and, as the Latins said "Scripta manent .."
Here's an example for primary schools: In DL
137 speaks of "a broader articulation of school time" but does not appear absolutely the guarantee of full time as it is and how we all want to keep: a school of quality time of teaching and educational innovation, social inclusion, which limits school failure by offering everyone the maximum opportunity.
If you wanted to retain full time, it would have been enough to write that it was guaranteed that existing, established by Law 820 of 1971, co-owners with 2 teachers per class, which alternating morning and afternoon by splitting linguistic and mathematical areas.
time school that she presents to us, although it will be preserved, will instead have a teacher majority (22 hours), while the afternoon will be divided between a bunch of teachers (even on a class 7 or 8) series b which will, inevitably, a fragmented and purely charitable service! This is not full time, tuttal'piĆ¹ is an after-school! To cover the fact
40, hours will eliminate the co-presences, releasing packages minimum hours for which teachers will emerge in an unknown number of classes that soup!
I read that "The determination of the primary school staff will take into account only the time required (ie 24 hours) ": but who will pay the excess time? families? The fund of the Institute for years reduced bone?
I understand that, outside of 24 hours will no longer be guaranteed classes, teacher stability, free service.
So the talk television are zero, are good for the fools who look just Retequattro. We sell a simple cut of hours as an improvement report between themselves and the quality of school time. There can be no quality education if not, at least, equal hours of real-time school. Fewer hours you do, there will be less quality: it is a rule Math!
''The reasons for the protest did not understand and are more and more 'convinced that many of those taking to the streets have not read the decision because' you do not understand why they occupy the universities' and do events in secondary schools, which are minimally affected by the measure that concerns the school and the university 'and higher secondary schools.'' Cosi 'Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini, on Channel 5, says the protests in recent days in university and school.
Dear Minister, wants to know the reasons for the strike in the universities? Opposition to
L. 133, which seeks to overturn the university system and its public nature by changing the UNIVERSITY 'IN PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS,
The cutbacks, amounting to 1.5 billion.
And the reasons for the strike in high school?
The reduction of teaching hours, increasing the number of pupils per class, the resizing of fields of study ..
Add to that the simple view that only an ignorant person (in the Latin sense dell'etimo-and if he does not understand this subtlety, even if the face-cultural explain Bossi and Calderoli) may believe that education can be designed to compartmentalize and that a disaster in the elementary school is not passed then the resulting course of study immediately, and subsequent binding.
On the other hand I understand the Minister. The concept of solidarity between those in favor of or obvious to the rescue of others, must be something abnormal for its northern and right-handed .... cervices a notion which is not included in the booklet for Members of Forza Italy that the Berlusca sold.
These are abstruse concepts is most appropriate for you ... a Bignami of selfishness by low food (that I care, so they are rubbing someone else, if I'm quiet and well maybe do not notice me, just pay me.). .. all things to the free market, such as the head of government, unrestrained free market until five minutes ago, he taught. Now, it seems, he is doing of public interest in favor of strong its flag. But only the fool is required consistency .. right?
Dear Minister, the measure we have read, and how, as the program plan written by Tremonti! Too bad that his statements without heard on TV does not correspond to what is written on the decree and, as the Latins said "Scripta manent .."
Here's an example for primary schools: In DL
137 speaks of "a broader articulation of school time" but does not appear absolutely the guarantee of full time as it is and how we all want to keep: a school of quality time of teaching and educational innovation, social inclusion, which limits school failure by offering everyone the maximum opportunity.
If you wanted to retain full time, it would have been enough to write that it was guaranteed that existing, established by Law 820 of 1971, co-owners with 2 teachers per class, which alternating morning and afternoon by splitting linguistic and mathematical areas.
time school that she presents to us, although it will be preserved, will instead have a teacher majority (22 hours), while the afternoon will be divided between a bunch of teachers (even on a class 7 or 8) series b which will, inevitably, a fragmented and purely charitable service! This is not full time, tuttal'piĆ¹ is an after-school! To cover the fact
40, hours will eliminate the co-presences, releasing packages minimum hours for which teachers will emerge in an unknown number of classes that soup!
I read that "The determination of the primary school staff will take into account only the time required (ie 24 hours) ": but who will pay the excess time? families? The fund of the Institute for years reduced bone?
I understand that, outside of 24 hours will no longer be guaranteed classes, teacher stability, free service.
So the talk television are zero, are good for the fools who look just Retequattro. We sell a simple cut of hours as an improvement report between themselves and the quality of school time. There can be no quality education if not, at least, equal hours of real-time school. Fewer hours you do, there will be less quality: it is a rule Math!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pirates Of The Caribbean Tab
Cossiga: senile dementia or worse?
From "DAY / REST / NATION" by Thursday, October 23, 2008
"The sound of ambulance sirens must be higher that of police and police cars. "
In the sense that ...
"In the sense that the forces of the order should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. "
Even the teachers? "Especially the teachers."
President, his is a paradox, no?
I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls. He realizes the seriousness of what's going on? There are teachers indoctrinating children and bring them to the streets: a criminal behavior. "
And she realizes what he would say in Europe after a treatment like that? "In Italy again fascism," they would say.
"Balle, this is the recipe for democracy: first extinguish the flames were blazing the` fire '.
Who gave these statements is not Josiph Dziugasvili (Stalin said "The Hammer"), nor is Robert Mugabe, dictator for life of Rhodesia: it is more domestically Francesco Cossiga, former President of the Republic, now a senator for life, apparently suffering from dementia senile.In no other way can be explained by his words, but through the interpretation of them as a clear symptom of quell'affezione that now afflicts like a virus infection, most of the Italian right.
I do not think there is another comment to make: these sentences speak for themselves.
PS If I'm not mistaken Cossiga in 1968, leading member of the DC, did not use the same phrases to stigmatize the movement that has transformed Western society. Perhaps because it was plugged into a reality, after all, more tolerant than today, or just because the time was less than the age of rincitrullito now?
Or maybe because at that time did not find any newspaper, free press, willing to put the straw near the fire?
Could it be that someone in government has the need, desire, desire to "punish" the motions of the square by force artfully fomented by agents provocateurs, as in the best tradition of the strategy of tension conceived and pursued by our Secret Service in the last 50 years?
remember the old admonition that those who can not remember the mistakes of history are condemned to repeat cyclically.
From "DAY / REST / NATION" by Thursday, October 23, 2008
"The sound of ambulance sirens must be higher that of police and police cars. "
In the sense that ...
"In the sense that the forces of the order should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. "
Even the teachers? "Especially the teachers."
President, his is a paradox, no?
I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls. He realizes the seriousness of what's going on? There are teachers indoctrinating children and bring them to the streets: a criminal behavior. "
And she realizes what he would say in Europe after a treatment like that? "In Italy again fascism," they would say.
"Balle, this is the recipe for democracy: first extinguish the flames were blazing the` fire '.

Who gave these statements is not Josiph Dziugasvili (Stalin said "The Hammer"), nor is Robert Mugabe, dictator for life of Rhodesia: it is more domestically Francesco Cossiga, former President of the Republic, now a senator for life, apparently suffering from dementia senile.In no other way can be explained by his words, but through the interpretation of them as a clear symptom of quell'affezione that now afflicts like a virus infection, most of the Italian right.
I do not think there is another comment to make: these sentences speak for themselves.

PS If I'm not mistaken Cossiga in 1968, leading member of the DC, did not use the same phrases to stigmatize the movement that has transformed Western society. Perhaps because it was plugged into a reality, after all, more tolerant than today, or just because the time was less than the age of rincitrullito now?
Or maybe because at that time did not find any newspaper, free press, willing to put the straw near the fire?
Could it be that someone in government has the need, desire, desire to "punish" the motions of the square by force artfully fomented by agents provocateurs, as in the best tradition of the strategy of tension conceived and pursued by our Secret Service in the last 50 years?
remember the old admonition that those who can not remember the mistakes of history are condemned to repeat cyclically.
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is cut only in the school
intervention of M. Labor to Year Zero: "Increases all kinds salaries parliamentarians, to flights of state. In parliament you spend € 19 000 in 3 months for ornamental plants, € 56 000 in 6 months of service for shirts and 260,000 € in diaries. Pay them the crisis is not the temporary school and families ... "Read more
evidently considering the school only a cost and not as an essential investment for the future of the country
intervention of M. Labor to Year Zero: "Increases all kinds salaries parliamentarians, to flights of state. In parliament you spend € 19 000 in 3 months for ornamental plants, € 56 000 in 6 months of service for shirts and 260,000 € in diaries. Pay them the crisis is not the temporary school and families ... "Read more

evidently considering the school only a cost and not as an essential investment for the future of the country
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Student-Gelmini, dialogue flop
Consultation and late side: the unshakable Gelmonti is
Read the article: Student-
Gelmini, dialogue flop

Consultation and late side: the unshakable Gelmonti is
Read the article: Student-
Gelmini, dialogue flop
Friday, October 24, 2008
Unblocked Games At School
WEDNESDAY '29, AT 17 meeting of the "coordination of coordination" at the school ADA NEGRI Street Latina303 ROME
TUESDAY '28 hours 10 organize a defense to the Ministry of Education, during which they should be received to deliver the signatures collected in recent weeks against Decree of the Master only. Please arrange collection and delivery of the paper signed
University Primary School meets Sunday, October 26, at 11. The teachers of the Physics Department invites teachers and parents of primary schools in Rome to a meeting for further exploration on the effects of the "Gelmini reforms" in the public school system. Students and teachers of Physics entertain school children elementary simple scientific experiments. Meet at 11.00 am in the courtyard of the Physics Department, ... Meet at 11.00 am in the courtyard of the Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Piazza Aldo Moro 2

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