From "DAY / REST / NATION" by Thursday, October 23, 2008
"The sound of ambulance sirens must be higher that of police and police cars. "
In the sense that ...
"In the sense that the forces of the order should not have pity and send them all to hospital. Do not stop, so that then the judges would call them now at liberty, but also those teachers beat them and beat them stir. "
Even the teachers? "Especially the teachers."
President, his is a paradox, no?
I'm not saying the elderly, of course, but the teachers so girls. He realizes the seriousness of what's going on? There are teachers indoctrinating children and bring them to the streets: a criminal behavior. "
And she realizes what he would say in Europe after a treatment like that? "In Italy again fascism," they would say.
"Balle, this is the recipe for democracy: first extinguish the flames were blazing the` fire '.

Who gave these statements is not Josiph Dziugasvili (Stalin said "The Hammer"), nor is Robert Mugabe, dictator for life of Rhodesia: it is more domestically Francesco Cossiga, former President of the Republic, now a senator for life, apparently suffering from dementia senile.In no other way can be explained by his words, but through the interpretation of them as a clear symptom of quell'affezione that now afflicts like a virus infection, most of the Italian right.
I do not think there is another comment to make: these sentences speak for themselves.

PS If I'm not mistaken Cossiga in 1968, leading member of the DC, did not use the same phrases to stigmatize the movement that has transformed Western society. Perhaps because it was plugged into a reality, after all, more tolerant than today, or just because the time was less than the age of rincitrullito now?
Or maybe because at that time did not find any newspaper, free press, willing to put the straw near the fire?
Could it be that someone in government has the need, desire, desire to "punish" the motions of the square by force artfully fomented by agents provocateurs, as in the best tradition of the strategy of tension conceived and pursued by our Secret Service in the last 50 years?
remember the old admonition that those who can not remember the mistakes of history are condemned to repeat cyclically.
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