November 15, 2008 November 15 was held in Florence a meeting attended by parents and teachers of coordination, meetings and schools of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Era, Versilia, Lucca , Pistoia, Pisa, Arezzo, Cavriglia, Perugia, Rome, Naples, Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Parma, Milan, Turin and Venice.
At the end of the discussion the national meeting of the schools said:
to object to the plan of destruction of the Italian school system and defends the current model of primary school (full time and modules) and children over the years has produced excellent results, Besides supporting a school for children.
addition, the National Meeting of the schools
considers it essential to fight:
• the school is both secular and all;
• Both the school of collegiality; •
be strengthened and developed the democracy of the Bodies;
pursues the following objectives: •
withdrawal of Articles 16, 64 and 66 of Law 133/2008 and Law 169/2008 (ex DL 137);
• withdrawal of the bill and Aprea DL / related laws, enforcement and defense
• consistent with Articles 3, 9, 33 and 34 of the Constitution;
• Defence of the Republic of the School and its secularism;
• the privatization of schools and universities and transform them into private foundations, as well as any management best companies and private persons in education;
• the establishment of so-called bridge-classes, all ' marginalization of diversity, to special classes;
• establishment of a single teacher classes; •
cuts time and frameworks and unifications of the same grade school and high school;
• the cancellation of 40-year path of the schools; •
to return to assessment in tenths and conduct the vote in, even more so in the absence of implementing regulations;
• increase the number of pupils per class.
The National Meeting of the schools to implement their goals, aims to: •
to information through the distribution of leaflets, public meetings and debates in schools;
• to provide registration forms to kindergartens, elementary , middle and high school to confirm the current teaching and organizational models;
• to ask the body for each school confirm the current teaching and organizational models;
• to promote shows and events as opportunities to talk about the school and to raise awareness' public, even in terms of deepening pedagogical
• to coordinate with the other realities of the movement (net of high school students, university teachers, researchers, peronale ATA and precarious, as well as all parents) to find common goals and moments;
• to take all forms of conscientious objection against the so-called bridge classes.
The national meeting of the school believes it is essential to compliance with all safety standards established by Law 626/1994 and Legislative Decree 81/2008.
The national meeting of the school invites parents and teachers to launch in every city, every club in educational institute in any protest actions during the day on Saturday 29 November with the goal to remain vigilant about the school. Note that in reality there will be various events and also November 22.
The national meeting of the school on the date of the 16th of each month GELMINI NO AND NO OPEN DAY, a day of mobilization of individual schools to be implemented in a manner appropriate to each school.
The national meeting of the school invites parents, teachers, meetings, coordination and citizens around the world of schools and universities to comment on the general strike of December 12 highlighting the reasons for the protest of the school.
The national meeting of the school appeals to parents, teachers and all citizens who put pressure on all the trade unions for the proclamation of a unitary general strike for the public schools, secular and all.
Florence November 15, 2008
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