Hervé A. Cavallera, born in Tricase, is Professor of the History of Education at the University of Salento, where he served as Director of the Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological and Educational and holds the office of President of the degree course in educational area. He also held the teachings of philosophy of education, history of school and educational institutions, Comparative Education, Comparative Education, Children's literature. She has held since the foundation at the headquarters of the SSIS Lecce-Puglia, the teaching of the History of schools and educational institutions and the Laboratory of Education Sciences II. He was deputy head at the Faculty of Education. Adheres to the Department of Classical Philology and Philosophical Sciences.
He has contributed to school reform at the Ministry Moratti. Adviser to the National Council of Research; Auditor for the Ministry of University and Scientific Research Projects of Relevant National Interest, some of which he himself was and is the national coordinator, evaluator, for the Committee for the Evaluation of Research of the Ministry of ' University and Scientific Research, the scientific production of Italian universities.
is a member of the Scientific Committees of the "Fondazione Ugo Spirito", the "Dear John Foundation for Philosophical Studies" (University of Rome - La Sapienza), the Foundation Elémire Zolla, "the" Centre for Bioethics and Human Rights . He is a member of the Italian Society of Education "and" Italian Center for Historical and Educational Research, "which is a member of the Executive, is an ordinary member of the Society of National History in Puglia (and is President of the Chamber of Tricase) and other national and international scientific associations.
has written dozens of books and hundreds of scientific papers, editor of collections of books and board member of several national and international scientific journals.
is editor of "Collected Works" by Giovanni Gentile and member of the Committee for the National Edition of the Works of Ugo Spirito, where he was a disciple.
Hervé A. Cavallera is particularly recognized both nationally and internationally as one of the greatest scholars of Italian idealism both as a historian of the family, of which Italy has offered the first critical examination in an educational key. He has also received numerous awards for its production scientitifica. Some of them remember it:
- in 2000 he received the "Golden Stilo - X National Education Award" for his book Introduction to the history of pedagogy.
- XXXVIII in 2003 received the "Premio Lunigiana, Cinque Terre, the" Books ", volume history of the idea for his family in Italy. Since the early nineteenth century to the end of the monarchy.
- In 2004 he received in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence XXII Premio Firenze "for" the excellence of his work as scholar and teacher of Italian teaching doctrines of the twentieth century, indirizzatasi in particular the study of idealism, and scholar of contemporary philosophy. "
- in 2007 he was awarded the "Capri - San Michele" section "News" for his volume history of the idea of \u200b\u200bfamily in Italy. Since the advent of the republic to the present day. For the same volume, also in 2007, he received the "Golden Stilo - XVIII International Education Award" as well as the "International Award Salvatore Valitutti.
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