Very rich site, graphically clear and easy to navigate. The home page lists these areas: curriculum and knowledge
Teaching and Learning Autonomy
teaching profession and educational organization
Lifelong learning and work
University School
articles, updated frequently, and signed by teachers and managers of all educational levels and allow the publication of comments from readers. Many links facilitate insights both on the web is by information on the location in the network of libraries of works cited. Possibility of interaction on the blog.
http://www. flcgil.it
The site is registered to the Federation of Knowledge Workers CGIL, born
in 2004 from the merger of the CGIL and the National Union School, University and Research.
From the home page you can go directly the "Journal of effelleci. No. In January, in addition to the declaration of a state of agitation and the consequent participation in the strike on March 12 and Articles on the most topical (Gelmini reform, universities, upper secondary, etc..), There is a "political document of the second FLC CGIL congress ", a document that will be discussed in the assemblies.
The three major areas for developing the work of the Federation, in turn, divided the material published in relation to each category. For the School: ATA, Teachers (childhood, first round, second round), Officers, Vocational Training, Italian schools abroad, private education, precarious . For the University: AFAM, Professors, Readers and CEL, technical, administrative, non-state universities, Precarious. Search for: Technological research, technical, administrative, Precarious.
Interesting links with the CGIL, the Ediesse and its catalog, the publishing knowledge and its collections, the professional association "Proteus make it clear" that, along with online courses on various topics, offers articles, e-book and information on initiatives of interest.
http://www. rivistadidattica.com
The "Digital Review of Teaching" Maggioli the publisher has several sections on various topics including archival materials. Among other include those dedicated to "disabled students", "Bibliographies and Reviews," "magazine", "Teaching multimedia poor," "learning units" for kindergarten, primary and secondary of first and second grade. Unfortunately, not all recently updated.
the home page are placed in "Close" the most important issues that the school is facing, the activities of the Democratic Initiative Centre Teachers' reports current and relevant issues without neglecting a selection of print and a "Space open to interventions by the schools and the opinions of those they consider appropriate demonstration, from here you can access the blog (at 16 / 2 visited 28457 times) and the archive.
In the left column under the field in which the site is divided. It seemed exciting at the "Research and Teaching." Here, under the title "Processing" is collected contributions to educational issues and teaching of both general and is relevant to different disciplines in relation to different academic levels, but always in a coherent perspective of verticality. The themes are: Chemistry, Citizenship, Curriculum and skills, law and economics, language education, science education, philosophy, Physical data, such as cycle, Failure recovery dispersion, Latin, Mathematics, Organizational models, Compulsory education (Materials for the biennium, obligation booklet with articles relating to theoretical issues and the consequent practical implications), Human Sciences, History, Students, Technology, evaluation. The index continues with learning experience in language education, science education, philosophy, physics, languages, mathematics, humanities, history and geography. In the bottom of each article, the template to post a comment.
There are reviews and "links" to sites of the ministry, INVALSI, some journals, associations, trade unions, the House and Senate, various committees and institutions, newspapers and active in educational research.
Loris Borghi
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