Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heart And Stroke Commercial

I've been nominated!

Hello everyone .... Elizabeth of and Beta BimBumBeta have decided to appoint ...... fortunately has nothing to do with big brother ..... O_o!
just have to say seven things about me and then appoint seven other "blogghisti!

1) My daughter and my dog \u200b\u200bare my life!

2) I love nature and animals ....

3) I love the 4 seasons, the hot weather but also the frost, the leaves fall and the nature which then is born again!

4) I love to eat, they are all just animals!

5) I hate waste and suffering of the weakest (animal and "human")

6) I am an incredibly lazy .... I watch a lot of fantastic creations, then say: "I do it myself" and at the end of one and the other combination of very little!! > _ <

7) I keep a lot of useless things that convinced then I will, I hope I serve first to fill the whole house of crap!

already finished?? I add only that I love the sea, the old photos, pictures .... just ok I'll stop!

Now it's my name .... unfortunately But since they have already appointed nearly all the ones I had in mind I'll make a small exception to the rule .....

1) Mami-lu : animal lover and the world of Mother Nature

Now I mention those already named, but everyone knew that I would like ...... ...

5) D- Chan

6) Elizabeth

Elettra hungry and I have to run away ....... my list would be longer .....


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