Hello everyone .... Elizabeth of AbcHobby.it and Beta BimBumBeta have decided to appoint ...... fortunately has nothing to do with big brother ..... O_o!
just have to say seven things about me and then appoint seven other "blogghisti!
1) My daughter and my dog \u200b\u200bare my life!
2) I love nature and animals ....
3) I love the 4 seasons, the hot weather but also the frost, the leaves fall and the nature which then is born again!
4) I love to eat, they are all just animals!
5) I hate waste and suffering of the weakest (animal and "human")
6) I am an incredibly lazy .... I watch a lot of fantastic creations, then say: "I do it myself" and at the end of one and the other combination of very little!! > _ <
7) I keep a lot of useless things that convinced then I will, I hope I serve first to fill the whole house of crap!
already finished?? I add only that I love the sea, the old photos, pictures .... just ok I'll stop!
Now it's my name .... unfortunately But since they have already appointed nearly all the ones I had in mind I'll make a small exception to the rule .....
1) Mami-lu : animal lover and the world of Mother Nature
Now I mention those already named, but everyone knew that I would like ...... ...
1) Beta
2) Eniko
3) Cialla
4) Lety
5) D- Chan
Elettra hungry and I have to run away ....... my list would be longer .....
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