Palazzo Ateneo - Bari
approved by the shareholders
( Bari, March 28, 2004)
( Bari, March 28, 2004)
Art a
The Society of National History in Puglia, a former Member of National History to Puglia, the purpose of collect and study, also in agreement with the Region of Puglia and other local governments, regional historical traditions. It aims to protect the historical heritage of Puglia, interposing its authority and the work of members in defense of the bibliographic treasures, archives, monuments, archaeological, artistic and demo-ethno-anthropological threatened and neglected, as well as cooperate in the development of culture history and institutions that it expected in the region. The Company, at the behest of law, it expresses opinions on the place names and road of Commons of the Region.
Article 2
are members of society who are waiting to historical studies, with special regard to the South and Puglia, or who have received special merit in this field. members, chosen from among Italian and foreign citizens, are distinct in fees, ordinary and appropriate. may be honorary members of the scholars who have given particular and decisive contribution to the knowledge of the South; ordinary members who have contributed effectively to historical studies and who reside in the Puglia region, corresponding members scholars who reside there. The total number of members may not exceed three hundred and their appointment is approved by shareholders on the proposal of the Executive Council.
Article 3
The Company is based in Bari, and Departments may establish in the center have any traditions or cultural and historical interests and where there is a group of members.
Article 4
Honorary members, ordinary and corresponding entitled to vote, that is personal and can not be exercised by delegation. Honorary members are not eligible and the corresponding organs of society.
Article 5
Bodies of the Company are: the Assembly, the Executive Council, the President.
Article 6 The Assembly, which consists of all members, meets in ordinary session once a year and in extraordinary session whenever it is deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or is reasoned request made by at least one tenth of the members. For its validity must be willing to convene at least fifteen days before the date set and that at least half of the ordinary members, but remain valid in the second call or the number of honorary members, ordinary and matching. The House on second call, if it meets the same day of the first, is to take place at a distance of not less than two hours from that. The Assembly will meet in the Company's registered office or place other than where the Council deems necessary.
Article 7
L 'Assembly:
to ) elects the president from among the ordinary members;
b) elects three Vice presidents and seven directors, who constitute the Board of Directors of the Company from among the ordinary members;
c) elects the Board of Auditors under Article. 13;
d ) resolution the budget and final account and the work plan and any other proposal made by the Board of Directors;
and ) establish and abolish the Departments proposed by the Board of Directors;
f) appoints new ordinary members, honorary and corresponding proposed by the elected Board of Directors;
g) determines the amount of annual membership fees proposed by the Board of Directors;
h) resolutions for statutory changes;
the ) resolution on assets in the event of dissolution of the Company pursuant to art. 16.
The President, Vice Presidents and Directors serve for three years and may be reappointed.
Article 8
The Executive Council has the ongoing management of the Company. S ua constant attention the development of 'share of the Company and its goals of increasing regional historical culture.
The Executive Council shall meet in ordinary meeting and expressed their views on the budget and final balance sheet. It meets for the formulation of work plan and any other proposal to be submitted to, particularly as the appointment of new members and the amount of annual dues. Approve, in addition, the work program proposed by each section and appoint the chairmen of the Sections of study in art. 26. It meets in an extraordinary meeting for any eventuality. It takes decisions by majority vote and its meetings are valid when there are at least six of its members. The President is obliged to convene the Council, when the attendance is requested by at least three components. The Board elects a secretary and a treasurer.
The Executive Council shall meet in ordinary meeting and expressed their views on the budget and final balance sheet. It meets for the formulation of work plan and any other proposal to be submitted to, particularly as the appointment of new members and the amount of annual dues. Approve, in addition, the work program proposed by each section and appoint the chairmen of the Sections of study in art. 26. It meets in an extraordinary meeting for any eventuality. It takes decisions by majority vote and its meetings are valid when there are at least six of its members. The President is obliged to convene the Council, when the attendance is requested by at least three components. The Board elects a secretary and a treasurer.
Article 9
The President shall convene and chair the meetings of the Assembly and the Board of Directors (in accordance with Articles 6 and 8). Reports to the Assembly on the management of the Company. Directs, in agreement with the other members of the Executive Council, the scientific collections of the Company. On the proposal of the Executive Council, shall submit to the Assembly the appointment of new members. Represents the Company in its dealings with other public and private institutions and individuals to ensure the attainment of social goals. Not later than March of each year submit to the Ministry of Heritage and Culture an activity report by the Company in the previous year.
Article 10
The Vice President shall replace the president as his deputy, or in case of absence or impediment, in order of seniority registry.
Article 11
The Secretary works closely with the President. Be vested in the preparation and preservation of the records of meetings and social acts.
Article 12
The treasurer expects the financial management of the Company which is directly responsible and, in particular, has the task of drafting the budget and account sheet and submit it to the Board together with the written report of the Board of Auditors.
Article 13
The Board of Auditors consists of five ordinary members, of which three auditors and two alternate members, appointed for three years and its members can be reappointed. The Auditors shall prepare a written report on the financial management of the Company.
Article 14
The President may appoint a member, whether or not a member of the Executive Council, the functions of the librarian. This has the care and the responsibility of the library.
Article 15
The assets of the Company consists of the library, archive, from the social stock of publications, furniture, equipment and computer technology, as well as contributions from individuals and public and private institutions, and from fees paid by ordinary members and correspondents.
Article 16
In the event of dissolution of the Company, the Shareholders' Meeting on the settlement and the target's assets.
Article 17 Ordinary Members and correspondents are required to pay the annual fee, which is given by the Board and approved by shareholders and entitles you to the corporate body. Members are also responsible for fifty percent discount on publications of the Society.
The member for two years does not pay the annual fee goes into place for retirement with the suspension of all rights, powers and responsibilities relating to the membership.
Article 18
All elected positions are free, but are reimbursed for expenses incurred interest or on behalf of the Company, and by mandate of the President. This fee shall be given adequate reporting and certification.
Article 19
social publications are:
a) the 'Code Diplomatic Pugliese, "already" Diplomatic Code Barese
a) the 'Code Diplomatic Pugliese, "already" Diplomatic Code Barese
b) necklaces " Documents and Essays, "" Bibliographies and Archival Sources, "" Studies and Research, "" Indexes, Lexicons, Dictionaries, "" Music and Musicians Pugliesi;
c) in Quaderni Archives Historical Pugliese;
d) the series of Acts of Congress and Conventions, the "Vatican documents relating to Puglia" and any new collections to be approved by the Council and the Assembly.
organ of society is the 'Archives Pugliese, "which he is director of the President pro tempore of the Company.
Article 20
The Company may take the initiative for the establishment of foundations, scholarships and annual awards are designed to develop historical studies. for this purpose may establish a school refinement of historical interests, palaeography, archival and library.
Article 21
local branches are established by the Assembly under Article. 7 on the assumption dell'afferenza each of them at least five ordinary members. Each section has its own Board, who shall hold office for three years and consists of the President, Secretary and three ' Councillors: the right to vote both active and passive such offices responsible only for ordinary members, where Sections do not reach the number of five ordinary members but they have at least three, the other two positions are allocated to members members (Paragraph 22). to vote and to stand aside for them and with exclusion from office of President. The election of the Sectional President is subject to ratification by the Board of Directors of the Company shall satisfy the statutory requirements. All processes in the Assembly Chamber a local program of work consistent with the purposes of cultural and scientific identity of the Company, to be sent by March of each year to the Executive Council for approval pursuant to art. 8. In the absence of approval actions taken sectional means without the patronage of the Company and its arbitrary use of the header when in conflict with the purposes statute. Each publication produced by the local section must be submitted in single copy at the library of the registered office of Bari
Article 22
In order to gain wider adherence to the work of the Company, each Chamber members can accept members, a simple resolution of its Board. The shareholders who contribute to the activities of the Chamber without the right to vote in the sectional, except in cases provided for by integration. 21. They are entitled to buy the publications of the Society with the discount for the honorary members, ordinary and appropriate. are required to pay an annual contribution to the Chamber, whose amount is determined by the Council sectional.
Article 23
Sections to ensure their activities independently and with its financial liability in accordance with the procedures and accounting and in full compliance with the general and special law on the point of equipping necessary bodies and, in particular, identifying among the shareholders sectional party who will make the bonds on behalf of the Chamber and talking, also, the contact and any modification to the headquarters.
Article 24
The President sectional must report annually, not later than March, the Company:
to ) the number and identity of members (ordinary members) belonging to the Chamber;
b ) the sectional identity of the delegate to act on behalf of the Chamber under the preceding article;
c) the program of work in art. 21.
Article 25
on default statutory sections of the Board of Directors of the Company, after reasons for the Sectional President, provides tools with which may extend to the Commissioner and, in extreme cases, to submit the proposal to abolish the Assembly under Article. 7.
Article 26
To better meet the need for more effective promotion and a more adequate protection of the overall regional heritage, are furnished under the Company the following sections of study:
to ) Chamber of Commons Messapic Peucetians and Daun;
b) Section dialectology and folklore;
c) Section for the protection of the architectural and art history;
d) Department for Prehistory and Early History;
and ) section to search for local legal practices.
The Presidents of the Chambers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company, hold office for three years, may be re-elected and participate in meetings of the Board of Directors other than as regards the activities of their Departments.
To carry out the activities of the study section is as provided for Sections local art. 23
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