Friday, May 28, 2010

Input Adapter Stuck In Auxillary Jack In A Car


Unlike the medical classification that considers the development of the child as a description of the facts in their sequence, the Clinical Education, while moving in parallel, highlights the basic elements that characterize the evolution. There is no mention, therefore, the period of pre-conception, conception, prenatal, birth, neonatal and postnatal period, but the project, expected, knowledge, devotion, farming and development. This language allows clinical teaching to bring out the emotional aspects experienced by the couple or individual and not just referring to the child. It is the interest of the Clinical Educator to report child and adult, with its specific methods, the practitioner stands as an effective support to parents and the child. The age
evolutionary biologists began when a new being is formed (conception). In terms of clinical teaching, the developmental age begins when born in the minds of parents the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving birth to a child.
Biologically, adolescence closes a chapter in developmental, educational this never ends. But we speak the better
events in the life of the child according to the Clinical Education.
· The project . There can be two situations: the presence of a proposed parenting (by conscious choice, to compensate for a particular emotional-affective state, for purposes unrelated to the child) or absence of a project that may cause discomfort in the pair because it upsets the rhythm of life. In any case, the Clinical Educator can support the person and the couple, with interventions targeted to the body, the discovery of oneself and the proper psychological and physical balance, sharing and relationship.
· Waiting . Now is the time from birth organic birth registry and involves both parents. This period may be quiet, can be lived with frustrations about their own personalities, fears, loneliness or fantasies about the child to be born. The Clinical Educator provides space for contact with the emotions, the assessment of affective resonance, the containment of any disappointments to allow parents to positively manage the wait.
· Knowledge . This is the phase in which the child comes out with its own individual reality. Can be characterized by the correspondence between real child and son of the imagination, delusion, denial of any child's illness or refusal of the child. Turns out, even at this stage, the fundamental contribution of professional support and aid the person and the couple to face the new reality.
· Attachment . This is the phase characterized by new relationships in the parental couple and the new family with the changes in the existing dynamics.
· Breeding and Development . The focus at this stage, focuses on the relationship between food, the increase in height-weight, sleep and bowel function before, the motor, language, sphincter control, and the report then. The Clinical Educator can help find the right rules, helping parents to consider the child as a separate entity and avoid any relationship neurotic.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What To Say In A Card When A Father Dies


The national guidelines on the web.

Given the impact they have had the National Guidelines for the secondary schools, we wanted to see what he thinks in other sites that deal with school.
The CIDI ( ), in a document dated 22/4/10, expresses, with an extensive and analysis, a strongly critical against the draft ministerial. With regard to method notes that the Department intervenes on the aims, objectives and cultural system of high schools without taking into account the autonomy of schools, without hearing the opinion of the parliamentary committees and, above all, without a preliminary discussion. What does today's "culture of selfless," "working culture", "high school"? What used to be "concerned citizens"? How to deal with loss and abandonment? What is the relationship between building knowledge, learned in school, independent research and testing of teachers? A failure to answer the basic questions like these take away any organic unity and coherence purpose or action that touches calendar, schedules, chairs, frameworks. E 'grave, also the absence of any reflection on the so-called "common" or "key competences for lifelong learning" to refer to compulsory education up to age 16. All of this, there are still indications for technical and vocational education system, suggesting an organ pipe, with rigid hierarchies, and between high schools, technical and vocational schools, both within the same between the different types of addresses.
Substance. Also, the imprecision of language does not help to find the educational and pedagogical requirements of information that, without reference even with the European recommendations (teaching skills defined for specifying the skills and knowledge, educational workshop, geared to the renewal of teaching methods. ...), a school with programs essentially offer encyclopedic, closed to the disciplinary renewal.
basically agree Maurizio Tiriticco ( / politiche_scolastiche ) that, by analyzing the reordering of the second cycle: What skills? "Says" ... it is not a reform era! It simply cut hours, discipline and teaching in the name of anything or, worse, a reconfirmation of the absolute inviolability of a system that dates back to 1923 "(remember the" back to the time when Bertha was spinning "and the controversy between Israel and Giorgio Claudio Gentile?) Even in his view to successfully set up a reform would be necessary: \u200b\u200b1) clarify the vision and mission of ' secondary education in a society in constant and rapid development, 2) pinpoint skills terminals, cultural and preprofessionalizzanti same for all students, and 3) joint or "paths with unique characteristics and for the certification of expertise and different" for connection to the world of work and / or further studies. Flexible pathways capable of pursuing "educational success" (Article 1, Regulation autonomy) and such, while cutting the time curricular activities to increase support, analysis and research for which a good education system can no longer do without. The two texts continue developing a comprehensive and timely analysis of critical text analysis that justifies the hard court at the initial document of the Ministry. At the same site, Daniela Bertocchi the 19 / 5, writing "About the National Guidelines for Schools: Italian language and literature," notes the inconsistencies between the "Profile cultural, educational and professional" described in Annex A of the "Regulations for high schools and FBO (specific learning objectives) of his discipline. Prevail above all other content than the powers, especially where there is limited literature to indicate a number of authors, almost mandatory. The final decision shall be final. "The format of the programs of the so-called index is probably the most serious problem and in fact inemendabile: one part strengthens the other old practices and offers an alibi to those who will not innovate (typically:" With everything that is not the same program certainly can do other things ").
We gave a glance at the opinion CNPI ( ), released on 28 / 4, after the document of the CIDI, and there we took considerable critical remarks. In Brief notes are an inadequate "and organic unity of the education system and the high school in particular" and should be linked to the rules on the performance of compulsory education.
It 'difficult to identify the skills and knowledge with their concatenation. Teaching workshop should be of interest to all disciplines, not just some, because it allows "the reconstruction, integration and retention of knowledge." Again. "It 's revealed a certain discrepancy between the statements in Introduction and selection of subject content, ... [a'] merely nominal evocation of the learning objectives [identified] with arguments rather than the goals ... "The problem is particularly evident in the directions for philosophy in which the objectives are identified with the authors to be treated without any connection to other disciplines. Other findings include: detailed list of contents, which give rise to several cases, "unacceptable forgotten" the imprecision of language, the lack of emphasis on "... the acquisition of skills, including metacognitive function in the analysis of codes (linguistic, mathematical, musical and graphic) and their use .. Cross mandatory prerequisite for the continuation of studies for inclusion in the world of work for learning throughout life "," ... the opportunity to collaborate with the writers of the drafters of Information guidelines for technical and vocational schools. "There are criticisms to cultural references and relationships with other disciplines in the analysis of the specific issues of the teachings of Music and Citizenship and the Constitution. There seem to be of particular interest are the suggestions for "Support actions to claims", actions that are aimed at strengthening the autonomy of educational institutions by providing a multi functional staff and appropriate forms of support to training and development professional skills of school staff.
The conclusions stress the need "... to lay down more explicitly the key competencies to be added at the end of the first two years of high school to ensure the completion of compulsory education" is invited to overcome the separation between culture humanistic and scientific culture by enhancing the latter with emphasis, in the relevant disciplines, skills development than the amount of topics; A reconciliation of the training design with state exams declining clearly the minimum levels to be achieved is to give credibility to examinations is to ensure students the right to be judged on performance indicators clear and unequivocal. The delegation
CGIL-CIDI ( / signals / voto.doc -declaration) to CNPI, despite having contributed to the elaboration of the opinion, has explained his vote against it because, in addition to a sharper criticism to ' cultural facility, wanted the document to the Committees of the School was accepted without any amendments that weaken it, that they are both clarified the legal status of the Guidelines is the location for their definition and role of CNPI, that they are provided a consultation school and a new opinion of CNPI.

Loris Borghi

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fingerboard Checklist


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Does The Gel Bracelets Mean

For some time the focus of psychology has turned particularly to education and this is because the same education, once seen as philosophy of education, with time it has also undergone radical changes, reflecting the new climate, both scientific and social, of our times.

The psychology was born in the early twentieth century through the work of behaviorists such as Edward Lee Thorndike, operating in the United States, and Claparede, Belgian pedagogue functional matrix, in the wake of the first research done by these pioneers psychology have been to develop new and interesting psychological theories learning objective, as conceptualism of Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget's genetic epistemology, specifically targeted to the mental development of children and the so-called "development zone next" attribute Vygotskj.

The psychologist is interested in possible improvements to the education situation in order to adapt as much as possible to the needs of students and is concerned with developing methods of teaching and learning more effective, thanks largely to the groundwork laid by learning teory , which gave rise to three major research areas: military training, education and the taxonomy of the planned learning objectives. Recently, some psychologists have specialized in the management the classroom, helping teachers to develop psychological and social skills that allow you to create a peaceful and productive school environment. Other scholars (among them, Andrea Canevaro, Paul Zanelli, Vittorio Severi, Giampietro Lippi, who are based, directly or indirectly in the education institutions) have paid particular attention to the organization of the educational context, to develop specific tools for your organization (tools organizers of the educational context), including the integrating background, which has spread in Italy, especially in the context of the nests and nursery schools.

recently psychology has also developed a size explained the methodology of clinical functional diagnosis: a psychodiagnostic procedure aimed at assessing the psychological and behavioral components generally used in the school to investigate the influences of family contexts, academic performance, and to measure the seriousness of situations of severe disability and social-relational. Today, psychology is also involved in the life cycle of the elderly.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Measure Cereal

When politics decides that our show is just one euro, and then goes away ...

Dear friends, healthy or disabled bipeds brave, intrepid explorers of life, however, never give up!
Now you tell a good story.
Friday, April 16 we took our comedy funny stage of Mondovi.
It 'a show which is also involved in road safety, and among the many young participants, there was also Mr which I wrote the letter, attached below, anyone can go to read and evaluate for its contents.
E 'yet another disappointment like this, not to be considered by political figures who are probably used to going to see the''first''at La Scala in Milan and the Teatro Regio in Turin, we are more modest, but we lack content .., We

insects in wheelchairs, we are not professionals, but we do look good and above all we talk about those problems for which those same politicians are often persoinaggi bearers of flags to wave, but when it's time to fall to hear the voice of the truth of who plays her, these things happen ...
It still did not know what had happened at ... history of the euro. -------------------------------------------

to you passengers, visitors of this blog, to judge at first what had happened that I wrote in this letter, which is now still waiting for any response, maybe asking you to give an opinion in tone and manner which I think frankly educated, and then ... knowing the final.
Attention attention!
The entrance to the play was to offer free, for the ACLI who organized the event.
The audience was made up, thanks to good organization by the institutions that have joined the initiative, many young high school and proved to be quite generous, especially considering the availability of the boys, but the man of politics, they call into question nicely apparently had only to have tickets to large size, otherwise not explained, vistol'ammontare salaries of parliamentarians, the fact that he left the donation of one euro, I repeat: a €! A rod of iron and alloy.

I heard recently and it was very bad. It will be the fault of the economic crisis?
Before leaving for alms, the personality in question could at least leave the benefit of the doubt, or watching the play until the end and, if he had not appreciated, as it did in many, going without leaving even that its only €.
What if they gave money too those who need it, even the ladies have their costs, we the people, to understand these things! A €
but ... would have also left a homeless!
- We
meantime, I can do the same, come on, and also who organizes our shows!

Carlo Mariano Sartoris,
and its struggles against the windmills ...
Sometimes I wonder where I went wrong ...
Hello everyone.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Stroke Essay Scholarships

It 's the site of "Pedagogik" Quarterly of education, training and culture. Experience-experiments-information-provocation "directed by Maria Piacente, published by the Stripes, Cooperativa Sociale Onlus. Along with the usual promotion of texts of the publishing house of cultural events, conferences and meetings, the home page has links that allow you to open the archives of the magazine from which you can retrieve articles dating back to September 2002 .. Of the most recent numbers are played, in general, the editorial, three items representing the central theme of the issue, a review in two voices - usually very exciting for the diversity of viewpoints related to same text - and reports of books, movies, or music discs.
opening the first issue of 2010 which speaks of "... ... wanderings. Migrations," the editorial by Salvatore Guida, while deploring the inhumanity of the immoral, on too many occasions, is in relation to immigration, strives to capture even minute episodes in the seed of a possible redemption that must go through the education of new generations and the cultural means by which they can emerge to overcome prejudice, unfounded fears and hostility. The discussion of Franco Cambi Interculture on the idea of \u200b\u200b"border": teaching notes starts from the observation of the relentless pervasiveness of globalization, a phenomenon that forces us to reckon with the need to overcome ethnocentric closure to open up to cultural pluralism, the logic of the encounter, the exchange in order to achieve a cultural habitat. Hence the need for a redefinition of the border fence as an identity that separates us and protects us on the other hand, by the enemy, even though its porosity has always allowed trade and mixtures. In an open society, a network, characterized by complexity, integration and change, education has the task of thinking about the construction of a mobile that allows living "between" and not within the boundaries of avoiding the extremes of domination of one over the other and formal equality. Rules and practices should seek to listen, to experience the other, grasp the potential, without violence, for conviction, taking groups to the change of cognitive styles and social and personal and collective identity. The issue is complex and requires dealing with the irrational and instinctual impulses, often stimulated by the media, against which it is increasingly difficult to bring to reflection and rationality.

My Son Has A Sore Lip

With this address you can access a publishing project that is integrated deals with books, magazines, cultural activities for parents and students to teachers, teaching materials, training and / or update the different professional profiles working in schools. Topics range from the pedagogical reflection, research methodology, the proposed specific teaching without neglecting issues of normative nature of current education policy and variously connected to the school world. The monthly magazine, founded 35 years ago by Alfred Vincent, currently directed by John Vincent, part of the project by offering an archive of materials to its subscribers and a newsletter open to all who wish to enroll. At this site the work of a drafting-oiled and efficient is expressed in documentation, timely and updated daily, discussion on various issues affecting the school and topical events. Among the most recent signs that the staff reduction, the tables annexed to the ministerial circular mainly affect the southern regions and islands: 13,581 units (52% of the total reduction of 26,118!) 6% of all staff in those regions. Those same regions in which the school instead of cuts would require additional investments and shrewd.
from recent reports is the sensational echoed the mayor's decision to suspend the canteen Adro of the children of families morose and subsequent protests from families of "regular" with respect to entrepreneur who, calling its modest origins, he wanted to settle the arrears with a letter accompanying the gesture whose meaning human, pedagogical and political worth far more than the amount of the check. The listing of a contextual search for the "Sole 24 ore" which gives a value of around 5% at the national level the rate of default in respect of school fees, highlighting the difficulties of local authorities in meeting the care needs because of the cuts also budgets, seems to want, at least in part, explain the decision of those mayors who have taken the same road. We would have liked that, after fitting to recall that the classes for full-time the table is a must, without sacrificing the brevity of the piece, they had found both the educational value of that particular moment of socialization is the substantial reductions in fees for the poor typically provided in the budgets of government more sensitive to this issue. Also interesting is the savage fighting which involved contentious Giorgio Israel, a close associate of Minister Gelmini, and Max Bruschi, coordinator of the "control room" which prepared the draft of the "National Guidelines for Schools", in relation to Claudio Gentile, Director sector "Education" of Confindustria, which analyzed and criticized in depth the same court signs a unacceptable return to the notion of time in which "Bertha was spinning."