Le Monde Diplomatique, October 2010. Education.
Notes on a special issue.
The fact that one of the most prestigious international journals of political-sociological analysis is to stop the crisis of education and lifelong learning (lifelong and life-wide) with a comparative perspective is certainly an element worth important.
The galaxy of Le Monde, on the other hand, has a magazine devoted specifically ("Le Monde de l'education") and a newspaper that devotes an accurate observation to the news and to report on training in different international scenarios. Training policies are the first to suffer from the government in a dark age in which they seem unable to understand the potential and benefits of a serious investment for its cultural output is from the political crisis is the economic crisis gripping the equally Western world.
Le Monde Diplomatique (in Italy you can read through the work of drafting the Manifesto) devoted, in fact, a Dossier on educational policies within its October issue. The interventions of the international paper quality and intent is respected.
USA. Educational policies, a challenge for Obama.
The first article of the special is signed by the American professor Diane Ravitch, former Minister of Education and with Bush and with Bill Clinton, a technique, in fact. On the other hand Ravitch, who teaches at New York's University, is the mother of the No Child Left Behind Act (Neessun boy left behind) in 2001 that provides educational programs, "malleable" to the needs of each student and will be completed in 2004 by bipartisan reform of the law IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), which incorporates a concept dear to the liberal education of American thought since the doctrines of John Rawls on the "social justice" and that lent his advice (this time in Bush junior), the eminent philosopher Martha Nussbaum. Diane Ravitch points out the importance that had in its 2001 federal law the opportunity for younger socially disadvantaged to be able to take advantage of free training courses and the importance of marriage more efficiently in basic education programs (we are in so-called Mandatory school, the "mandatory training") the teaching of Letters and Science and mathematics. Ravitch lingers - and critical - on the system of the Charter School (midway between the private and public schools because they receive state funding even if founded by parents' associations unmet public education). In particular, Professor Ravitch criticizes Barack Obama's policies tend to favor public funding for charter schools based on the assessments of teachers according to the results obtained by their students. This criticism is present in the current literature and Roland Fryer of Harvard University presented evidence of the need for statistical and economic freedom-based educational input rather than outcome-based. According to Professor Fryer, in fact (Fryer is the youngest African American ever to win a scholarship to Harvard), students must be ensured adequate education regardless of their actual results (records) school.
Efficacy school under a lens. The debate on the effectiveness
school is on the first floor in Europe, when the State demand the teachers to do more with fewer resources and in which teachers and students deal with the reduction of time devoted to learning. In France, the sociologist Parisian Sandrine Garcia shows how effectively the school time devoted to teaching is over in one year by 936 hours to 864 hours yearly, after the reforms put in place by Sarkozy and the government's financial Fillon. Garcia wonders what today are the institutions to which you are assigned the task of democratic and egalitarian of which, historically, the French government had instructed the education system (is historical fact, the mission of the Prime Minister of the Third Republic, Jules Ferry for a "free school, secular and compulsory"). Finally, Garcia even takes care of Adam Smith's argument states that when the public sector should be to guarantee your freedom to release substantial educational and training mechanisms the role of the "invisible hand" of the market. There is, in short, an economic issue of "internationalization" of public policy, public education and its externalities (negative if anything, certainly not profitable in the short term). Garcia complains, however, that the government policy of cuts careless ones operated by the French government, have transferred the burden on families of any educational failure. On the other hand, the teachers are forced to deal with each in itself a situation of political chaos with regard to political learning. The slogan in unison: "Je n'ai jamais vu tel a bazaar!
Prospects international recognition of educational skills.
After an interesting article on the failed promises of democratic government headed by the Japanese Yukio Hatoyama (driving a short PDJ government from September 2009 to June 2010), is followed by a comparative analysis of the European situation of the education sector RPL / RVA (where RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning, or for Recognition of Knowledge Base and RVA for accreditation of valid identification). The article, signed by Nico pour une école démocratique Hirtt dell'Appel, lingers about the Warning of the need for increased international vocational training policies can combine learning with technical learning "Humanistic" and ideal-values. According to the author, the skills you need to do now pin, in this regard is the knowledge of foreign languages, math, a technological culture, the social and relational skills, sense of initiative and a spirit of ' creativity and flexibility.
Mattia Baglieri
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What Apened To Denise Milani
"Voices of the verb" teach "
"... a place where the debate on teaching word becomes shared and opportunities for comparison of varieties of items ; different shades and tones must communicate. "" Crossroads of experiences, experienced or reported, and as a place open to discussion. We invite you to submit texts and materials. "This says the" About Us ". Actually scrolling through the list of authors who have sent materials we met, among so many strangers, friends and colleagues lost sight of, names of authoritative teaching, journalism, university, each of which offers a starting point, a reflection, a point related view, however, current affairs .. To the surprise big names have appeared in the history of world culture. Someone found in their pages thoughts, experiences, events related to time and at schools to be proposed, whether for the sheer pleasure of reading or to provoke a discussion and comparison of many voices. Curing
specific interests, which go beyond mere curiosity, you can scroll the news, constantly updated, on "Events" or "dating" rather numerous at this time full of tensions and problems for the school.
Other sections collect "contributions" that may consist in exposure of personal experiences, didactic proposals, reflections on current issues such as, for example, the "mini naja" price or "training for life" held by military instructors designed Lombard for students, courses, following the unanimous chorus of criticism, have been properly withdrawn. From the "Windows" you can see, stored in 69 pages, not just reviews of books (from fiction to nonfiction, poetry), but also of exhibitions, performances, cultural events or major social websites.
the "big pages" leads quickly from Nietzsche to pasture, by Lewis Carroll Erri De Luca, from Pasolini Giorgio Celli on Witold Gombrowicz, John Dewey, etc. Luigi Einaudi. Of course the bottom of every text is the format to send personal comments, the most challenging texts should be sent to insegnare@iger.org for the necessary review by the editorial staff.
In conclusion, the "voices of the verb" teach "not are limited to offering, along with ideas for a debate, an opportunity to take part, but also give us the opportunity to navigate, pleasant and rewarding in unexpected places and little known that open wide horizons and full of suggestions.
Loris Borghi
"... a place where the debate on teaching word becomes shared and opportunities for comparison of varieties of items ; different shades and tones must communicate. "" Crossroads of experiences, experienced or reported, and as a place open to discussion. We invite you to submit texts and materials. "This says the" About Us ". Actually scrolling through the list of authors who have sent materials we met, among so many strangers, friends and colleagues lost sight of, names of authoritative teaching, journalism, university, each of which offers a starting point, a reflection, a point related view, however, current affairs .. To the surprise big names have appeared in the history of world culture. Someone found in their pages thoughts, experiences, events related to time and at schools to be proposed, whether for the sheer pleasure of reading or to provoke a discussion and comparison of many voices. Curing
specific interests, which go beyond mere curiosity, you can scroll the news, constantly updated, on "Events" or "dating" rather numerous at this time full of tensions and problems for the school.
Other sections collect "contributions" that may consist in exposure of personal experiences, didactic proposals, reflections on current issues such as, for example, the "mini naja" price or "training for life" held by military instructors designed Lombard for students, courses, following the unanimous chorus of criticism, have been properly withdrawn. From the "Windows" you can see, stored in 69 pages, not just reviews of books (from fiction to nonfiction, poetry), but also of exhibitions, performances, cultural events or major social websites.
the "big pages" leads quickly from Nietzsche to pasture, by Lewis Carroll Erri De Luca, from Pasolini Giorgio Celli on Witold Gombrowicz, John Dewey, etc. Luigi Einaudi. Of course the bottom of every text is the format to send personal comments, the most challenging texts should be sent to insegnare@iger.org for the necessary review by the editorial staff.
In conclusion, the "voices of the verb" teach "not are limited to offering, along with ideas for a debate, an opportunity to take part, but also give us the opportunity to navigate, pleasant and rewarding in unexpected places and little known that open wide horizons and full of suggestions.
Loris Borghi
20 Frustrations Card Game
'pedagogical' teaching '
It 's a quarterly that presents itself as an "instrument of pedagogical reflection and instructional design." The leadership of many hands (Massimo Baldacci, Liliana Dozza Frabboni Franco, Franca Pinto Minerva) opens to a wide range of educational themes is "old" (the environment, family, school, work full time ...) and "new" (the adults and the elderly, the disabled, intercultural, orientation ...), themes which, in the evaluation of experimental design, are developed in part by tapping on the teaching issues relating to places and individualization of teaching and learning, to knowledge and skills to project unity and teaching laboratories, research, technology education, assessment etc.. Is shown as an example the full text of two articles that appeared in the first issue: "Reflections on the theory of curriculum" by Massimo Baldacci and "When teaching is a measure of the student. Streaming and mastery among the desks "of Franco Frabboni. Both texts, supported by notes and bibliographic references, leads us to issues of major importance the professional study of which may have important effects on concrete and "do school", especially for comparison among colleagues for the harmonization of 'teaching activities. Therefore an excellent tool for professional qualifications, however, be continued by other means. Probably the interest for the purchaser or subscriber would be possible more stimulated if, after demonstrating the level of contents, indexes were proposed, if not the abstracts of articles, the following numbers. This observation can be extended to many other magazines from the same publisher. Are collected in six sections: Education and Teaching (11 titles: Educational Cooperation, Intercultural Education, The integrazi0ne school and social media education, educational policies, pedagogical 'teaching, Educational Psychology, Psychology of education and training, REM: Education and Research on media, research, Studium educationis) learning disorders (3 titles) Disability (3 titles) Psychology (5 titles) Social Work (1), E-learning and online training (4 titles) . Both the presentation texts, Articles are listed as an example, it is easy to identify problems and prospects for enhancing pictures and discussion very stimulating for anyone interested in education both in relation to specific issues and in relation to general topics, and this is consistent with the profile of the publisher.
Loris Borghi
It 's a quarterly that presents itself as an "instrument of pedagogical reflection and instructional design." The leadership of many hands (Massimo Baldacci, Liliana Dozza Frabboni Franco, Franca Pinto Minerva) opens to a wide range of educational themes is "old" (the environment, family, school, work full time ...) and "new" (the adults and the elderly, the disabled, intercultural, orientation ...), themes which, in the evaluation of experimental design, are developed in part by tapping on the teaching issues relating to places and individualization of teaching and learning, to knowledge and skills to project unity and teaching laboratories, research, technology education, assessment etc.. Is shown as an example the full text of two articles that appeared in the first issue: "Reflections on the theory of curriculum" by Massimo Baldacci and "When teaching is a measure of the student. Streaming and mastery among the desks "of Franco Frabboni. Both texts, supported by notes and bibliographic references, leads us to issues of major importance the professional study of which may have important effects on concrete and "do school", especially for comparison among colleagues for the harmonization of 'teaching activities. Therefore an excellent tool for professional qualifications, however, be continued by other means. Probably the interest for the purchaser or subscriber would be possible more stimulated if, after demonstrating the level of contents, indexes were proposed, if not the abstracts of articles, the following numbers. This observation can be extended to many other magazines from the same publisher. Are collected in six sections: Education and Teaching (11 titles: Educational Cooperation, Intercultural Education, The integrazi0ne school and social media education, educational policies, pedagogical 'teaching, Educational Psychology, Psychology of education and training, REM: Education and Research on media, research, Studium educationis) learning disorders (3 titles) Disability (3 titles) Psychology (5 titles) Social Work (1), E-learning and online training (4 titles) . Both the presentation texts, Articles are listed as an example, it is easy to identify problems and prospects for enhancing pictures and discussion very stimulating for anyone interested in education both in relation to specific issues and in relation to general topics, and this is consistent with the profile of the publisher.
Loris Borghi
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Color Levels In Cubefield
the Ten Commandments of safe working
1. Safety in the workplace is the responsibility of all.
The existing legislation provides an organized system of preventive safety at work, which calls for the active participation of workers and the cooperation of all parties involved (employer, service of prevention and protection, workers, physician in charge of workers' safety representative).
2. Working in black is not working safely.
who works in black can not receive appropriate education and training. You can not trace the work history and then verify that it has put in place all measures to protect its integrity.
3. E 'is essential to identify and assess risks in advance of the working environment and individual workers.
The employer (with the help of the "Service of prevention and protection") assess the relative risks of the workplace and the duties performed by employees, information on the risks they are exposed. The workers know the risks associated with its work and the correct methods for using the tools and equipment and machinery that he uses to do its job.
4. E 'required to implement measures to eliminate or reduce risk.
The employer shall take the necessary security measures for the prevention of accidents and injuries in the workplace, including organizational and managerial initiatives. Where an occupational risk is not eliminated, the employer's obligation to reduce it as much as possible.
5. The training is a right for workers and an obligation for the employer work.
Training of employees is paid by the employer and will refer to the workplace and tasks. In particular, it must be done at:
- recruitment;
- transfer or change of job;
- introduction of new work equipment, use of new substances or preparations.
Training must be repeated periodically and whenever there is an evolution of the risks or the emergence of new risks.
6. In the workplace must be present and correctly explain all the necessary safety signs.
The employer has the obligation to use safety signs wherever you are in the presence of risk that can not be avoided or sufficiently limited. The employer shall ensure that employees are informed and trained on the meaning of the signs and how they should behave. Safety signs are divided into:
- prohibition signs (indicating danger), red;
- mandatory signs (indicate behaviors or actions to be adopted), light blue;
- warning signs (indicate caution attention), yellow or orange;
- Emergency escape and rescue (indicate doors, exits, routes, equipment, stations), a green
- fire signals (indicating the location of the materials and equipment fire);
- hand signals (help guide people to perform certain operations).
7. The employer must provide workers, who are obliged to use, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
PPE equipment are intended to be used and kept by workers to protect them against threats to their health and safety at work: the types and characteristics vary depending on the type of activity and the relative risk . The most widely used are: helmets, seat belts, shoes with steel toe caps and puncture, gloves, special clothing as needed (weather protection, fire resistance, phosphorescent, etc.), goggles, masks of different levels of protection to the respiratory tract depending on the substances present in the workplace, face mask, caps to protect your hearing. PPE must be provided by the employer.
The employer shall provide the necessary training of workers for the correct use of PPE themselves, workers are required to use PPE, and must not modify its own initiative, not to endanger the health and safety of themselves and others.
8. E 'is essential to know beforehand who to contact in an emergency and adopt such behaviors.
Workers must know the names of responsible for first aid personnel at emergencies and fire prevention, the "charge of prevention and protection" and "competent physician." Workers must be informed and trained on how to behave in any danger and emergency.
9. No one should endanger his life or that of others with irresponsible behavior.
addition to being required by law, the proper conduct of the employer and the employee contribute to improving the general conditions of security. The employee must also know and follow all procedures to avoid endangering his and others' safety. Avoiding injuries is joint efforts.
10. The security situation in the workplace and the effectiveness of protective measures must be periodically checked.
Compliance with the safety conditions at work is a right and duty of all employees and a mandatory obligation of the employer. The verification of compliance with rules designed to protect the health and safety at work (medical visits, machinery and equipment in accordance with the law, training, signage, appropriate personal protective equipment, etc..) Is a right that can and should always be exercised.
1. Safety in the workplace is the responsibility of all.
The existing legislation provides an organized system of preventive safety at work, which calls for the active participation of workers and the cooperation of all parties involved (employer, service of prevention and protection, workers, physician in charge of workers' safety representative).
2. Working in black is not working safely.
who works in black can not receive appropriate education and training. You can not trace the work history and then verify that it has put in place all measures to protect its integrity.
3. E 'is essential to identify and assess risks in advance of the working environment and individual workers.
The employer (with the help of the "Service of prevention and protection") assess the relative risks of the workplace and the duties performed by employees, information on the risks they are exposed. The workers know the risks associated with its work and the correct methods for using the tools and equipment and machinery that he uses to do its job.
4. E 'required to implement measures to eliminate or reduce risk.
The employer shall take the necessary security measures for the prevention of accidents and injuries in the workplace, including organizational and managerial initiatives. Where an occupational risk is not eliminated, the employer's obligation to reduce it as much as possible.
5. The training is a right for workers and an obligation for the employer work.
Training of employees is paid by the employer and will refer to the workplace and tasks. In particular, it must be done at:
- recruitment;
- transfer or change of job;
- introduction of new work equipment, use of new substances or preparations.
Training must be repeated periodically and whenever there is an evolution of the risks or the emergence of new risks.
6. In the workplace must be present and correctly explain all the necessary safety signs.
The employer has the obligation to use safety signs wherever you are in the presence of risk that can not be avoided or sufficiently limited. The employer shall ensure that employees are informed and trained on the meaning of the signs and how they should behave. Safety signs are divided into:
- prohibition signs (indicating danger), red;
- mandatory signs (indicate behaviors or actions to be adopted), light blue;
- warning signs (indicate caution attention), yellow or orange;
- Emergency escape and rescue (indicate doors, exits, routes, equipment, stations), a green
- fire signals (indicating the location of the materials and equipment fire);
- hand signals (help guide people to perform certain operations).
7. The employer must provide workers, who are obliged to use, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
PPE equipment are intended to be used and kept by workers to protect them against threats to their health and safety at work: the types and characteristics vary depending on the type of activity and the relative risk . The most widely used are: helmets, seat belts, shoes with steel toe caps and puncture, gloves, special clothing as needed (weather protection, fire resistance, phosphorescent, etc.), goggles, masks of different levels of protection to the respiratory tract depending on the substances present in the workplace, face mask, caps to protect your hearing. PPE must be provided by the employer.
The employer shall provide the necessary training of workers for the correct use of PPE themselves, workers are required to use PPE, and must not modify its own initiative, not to endanger the health and safety of themselves and others.
8. E 'is essential to know beforehand who to contact in an emergency and adopt such behaviors.
Workers must know the names of responsible for first aid personnel at emergencies and fire prevention, the "charge of prevention and protection" and "competent physician." Workers must be informed and trained on how to behave in any danger and emergency.
9. No one should endanger his life or that of others with irresponsible behavior.
addition to being required by law, the proper conduct of the employer and the employee contribute to improving the general conditions of security. The employee must also know and follow all procedures to avoid endangering his and others' safety. Avoiding injuries is joint efforts.
10. The security situation in the workplace and the effectiveness of protective measures must be periodically checked.
Compliance with the safety conditions at work is a right and duty of all employees and a mandatory obligation of the employer. The verification of compliance with rules designed to protect the health and safety at work (medical visits, machinery and equipment in accordance with the law, training, signage, appropriate personal protective equipment, etc..) Is a right that can and should always be exercised.
Burst Appendix Versus Labor Pain
@ IStockphoto / Michael Piacquadio |
Customer Federfarma Napoli> Pharmacists Association of the Province of Naples / / / / Customer Leroy Merlin Italy - home to Afragola (NA), Rome, Casamassima (BA), St. Catherine (BA), Catania, Mesa (BR), Chieti> Hypermarket / / / / Client Edil Camaldoli Samson> Wholesale and retail of building materials / / / / Client Edil Com Ltd> Building company and plant / / / / Client CONAD Supermarkets> Supermarkets / / / / Client 3M Samson Breakdown> Breakdown / / / / Client Lamaro Garage> Garage / / / / Client SISA Supermarkets> Supermarkets / / / / Client Supermarkets DECO '> Supermarket / / / / Customer Pastry Scaturchio> Bar and Pastry / / / / Client MEP Ltd> Company specialized in assembling and dismantling of scaffolding / / / / Client Naval Service Ltd> Development of naval carpentry / / / / Client Partenope Coffee Ltd> Industry for roasting coffee / / / / Customer cones Galasso> Confectionery / / / / Client Bizerba spa / / / / Client Fly Free Ltd> Wholesale Resale of materials for shoe / / / / Customer Service Welding Ltd> Company Plant / / / / Client Ital Mec srl> Company specializes metameccanica in the construction of precision machinery / / / / Client Tolomello Ltd> Retail furniture Furniture / / / / Client Inform Ltd> Construction and marketing of mailboxes and safety signs / / / / Client Persian & C. > Distibution wholesale distribution of materials for air conditioning / / / / Client Me.Di. Fam Campania> Association of Family Physicians / / / / Global Client Service Ltd.> Collection and transportation of waste recovery facilities for processing / / / / Client Arethusa Ltd.> Company Services / / / / Client Marinelli and Balzerano> Real Estate / / / / Client Geat Elevators> Construction and marketing of equipment for lifts / / / / Client RWE Ltd> Creating Garments / / / / Client ONE Ltd> Tailoring Laboratory / / / / Client Fire more> Check for fire fighting / / / / Client C. &. C. > Resale of wood materials, PVC plasterboard / / / / Client PRL> Layers of ceilings, parquet flooring and pvc / / / / The Customer Vicia sas> Marketing materials for printing / / / / Client 11 Lindlar Paisiello, Napoli> Kindergarten and elementary / / / / Client 39 ° Circolo Via Leopardi, Naples> School Nursery and primary / / / / Client Virgil Institute, Naples> High School / / / / Client Dr. Flavio Marasca> Medical Dental Studio
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Glue For Making Bird Seed Cakes
Our clients Our services Contact
Workin'626 especially deals with:
Documentary analysis - Preparation of document for risk assessment - Development of DUVRI - Drafting of safety procedures.
Activities periodic inspection for compliance audits - Phone consulting - assistance in dealing with organizations, institutions and supervisors.
Course Information - Training courses in relation to specific risks - Training for Employers - Training for Safety Representatives of workers - Training for enforcement of fire prevention measures - Training courses, in charge of first aid - Course for employees and responsible for assembling and dismantling of scaffolding - Training courses and training for the use of work equipment (forklift drivers' courses, courses for drivers of flat form aerial Courses for the use of lifting equipment).
All course activities are conducted in cooperation with associations of employers or workers with specific skills or working in the security sector to meet the requirements previsit by the specific rules identifying the types of entities operating in the training activities.
Development of models of organization and management - Support the implementation of the SGS models - Support for the certification of SGS models - Support for verification and maintenance of SGS models.
microclimate (temperature, humidity, etc.). - Photometric measurements - Measurement of vibrations - Investigations environmental pollutants (generally) - Measures of illuminance.
@ iStockphoto .com / Kirill Zdorov |
Workin'626 especially deals with:
Documentary analysis - Preparation of document for risk assessment - Development of DUVRI - Drafting of safety procedures.
Activities periodic inspection for compliance audits - Phone consulting - assistance in dealing with organizations, institutions and supervisors.
Course Information - Training courses in relation to specific risks - Training for Employers - Training for Safety Representatives of workers - Training for enforcement of fire prevention measures - Training courses, in charge of first aid - Course for employees and responsible for assembling and dismantling of scaffolding - Training courses and training for the use of work equipment (forklift drivers' courses, courses for drivers of flat form aerial Courses for the use of lifting equipment).
All course activities are conducted in cooperation with associations of employers or workers with specific skills or working in the security sector to meet the requirements previsit by the specific rules identifying the types of entities operating in the training activities.
Development of models of organization and management - Support the implementation of the SGS models - Support for the certification of SGS models - Support for verification and maintenance of SGS models.
microclimate (temperature, humidity, etc.). - Photometric measurements - Measurement of vibrations - Investigations environmental pollutants (generally) - Measures of illuminance.
Pressure Kickflip Tech Deck
Workin'626 the passion of a group of professionals dedicated to the safety of workers. Operating since 2007 throughout the country, dealing with advice and training for adjustments to existing regulations on health and safety at work in all areas operational and productive. The activities, in particular, include, in relation to the legal requirements of the D. Decree Law 81/08 ex 626/94, processing of documentary requirements, the operational advice, information and training, the development of models of organization and management, as the investigations.
© iStockphoto.com / Michael Piacquadio |
Friday, November 12, 2010
Rsd After Stress Fracture
guidelines and best practices
These guidelines were developed to guide and facilitate the conduct of safety stakeholders, both public and private, in the application of measures of health and safety, in particular business sectors, in order to achieve a more skilled work of prevention.
All links below directed to the site ISPESL or PDF documents published by it.
General Guidelines
Guidelines on Decree Law 626/94
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94
Guidelines on D. Lgs 494/96
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 494/96
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection from carcinogens and / or mutagens - Update 2002
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII-Bis
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection against chemical agents
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII - Hardwood
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection from carcinogens
Guidelines management systems
Guidelines safety management system PM I
Guidelines for a system for managing health and safety at work of SMEs (SGSL)
Guidelines environmental and safety management system SMEs
Guidelines for the integration of environmental management systems and the Occupational Safety and Health (S & SL) in Small and Medium Enterprises
Guidelines VR
To factor risk
guidelines for the analysis of individual risk factors
For sector / industry
documents aimed at providing a guided tour to the identification and assessment of risks specific industry / sector
Public Administration
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to public administration
scientific laboratories
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to scientific laboratories
Small and Medium Business
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to small and medium enterprises
Structures of the NHS
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to the facilities of the National Health Service
These guidelines were developed to guide and facilitate the conduct of safety stakeholders, both public and private, in the application of measures of health and safety, in particular business sectors, in order to achieve a more skilled work of prevention.
All links below directed to the site ISPESL or PDF documents published by it.
General Guidelines
Guidelines on Decree Law 626/94
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94
Guidelines on D. Lgs 494/96
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 494/96
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection from carcinogens and / or mutagens - Update 2002
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII-Bis
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection against chemical agents
Guidelines on D. Lgs 626/94 - Tit. VII - Hardwood
Guidelines for the implementation of Legislative Decree 626/94: Protection from carcinogens
Guidelines management systems
Guidelines safety management system PM I
Guidelines for a system for managing health and safety at work of SMEs (SGSL)
Guidelines environmental and safety management system SMEs
Guidelines for the integration of environmental management systems and the Occupational Safety and Health (S & SL) in Small and Medium Enterprises
Guidelines VR
To factor risk
guidelines for the analysis of individual risk factors
For sector / industry
documents aimed at providing a guided tour to the identification and assessment of risks specific industry / sector
Public Administration
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to public administration
scientific laboratories
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to scientific laboratories
Small and Medium Business
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to small and medium enterprises
Structures of the NHS
Guidelines for risk assessment applied to the facilities of the National Health Service
Technical Guidelines
full text of technical guidelines. By of technical and scientific departments of ISPESL.
International Guidelines
In this section are available in Italian versions of the guidelines produced by leading international organizations dealing with health and safety at work (ILO, IMO, FAO, EC, European Agency Health and Safety at Work).
The objective is to disseminate, through the dissemination via the web, guidelines and recommendations that come from those institutions in a perspective of harmonization and sharing of strategies and means of prevention.
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