Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Relieving Constipation In My Newborn
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I Need Community Service Hours Sheet
Then the prof. Cavallera, explaining the reasons, presented the "Plaque of Merit" to five individuals who have distinguished themselves: prof. Donato Valli, prof. John So (absent for health reasons, withdrew the "Targa" the daughter), Dr.. Alfredo Quaranta, prof. Salvatore Cassati, the lawyer. Vittorio Aymone who gave a much applauded speech.
This Section of the Society of National History Tricase for Puglia is intended to appear publicly as a center of scientific research both as protection and enhancement of personalities, events and testimonies of the reality of Salento.
The evening was highly appreciated and the Throne Room was packed. Among the many personalities present the world's most significant forensic Magistrates Lecce, the vice-, the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Salento, many representatives of politics and culture, as well as the professions.
(Photo arch. Sodero GB)
From left: Prof. Giancarlo Vallone (Vice President of the Society of National History in Puglia), Mr. Claudio Pispero (Deputy Mayor of Tricase), Mr. Victor Aymone, Prof. Hervé A. Cavallera (President of the Chamber of Tricase National History Society for Puglia), Dr. Alfredo Quaranta, Prof. Donato Valli and Prof. Salvatore Cashier.
From left: Mr. Vittorio Aymone, Prof. Hervé A. Cavallera and Dr. Alfredo Quaranta.
Throne Room of Palazzo Gallone

Prof. Donato Donato Valli Valli, born in Tricase is certainly character to read and remember multiple dimensions :
- for a career as a lecturer at the University of Salento where you, as well as Professor of Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, Rector and certainly long after Giuseppe Pisanelli Codacci wished that the University of Lecce, founded and directed , the Rector that the most positively affected the same;
- his love for his land and his best sons, of which decades has been able to outline the literary legacies, providing invaluable work over the years;
- for his commitment, for which Donato Valli was never closed the pure scholar in the traditional ivory tower, but was involved in social and in political life, not hesitating to expose himself in person;
- to be always has been, despite the residence of Lecce, a true tricasino, which has kept the characters mood, the outspoken and sometimes impetuous soul, sincerity always evident even within literary discourse, rhetorically but never built.
Donato Valli And there have been high in both academia and awards as well as civil, and above all he is not missed the affection of his countrymen.
The Section of the Society of National History Tricase for Puglia, a company which is an honorary member, and which section was one of the promoters and the first President, intends to show the esteem and affection towards him with a Plaque of Merit in light of what seems to me one of his most precious deliveries, which is obviously too early to draw conclusions because he was still happily and profitably focus.
I like the headlines of several monographs Donato Valleys: Essays on twentieth century Italian poetry (1967), Romagnosi between reality and history and Manzoni (1969), Anarchy in the Italian poetry and mysticism the Early Twentieth Century (1973), Girolamo Comi (1977), History of hermetic (1978), Life and death of the "fragment" in Italy (1980), Poets and prose writers salentini between nineteenth and twentieth century: Giuseppe Gigli and documents of culture ( 1982), One hundred years of literary life in Salento (1985), A candle for Our Lady (The university secret) (1992), home of Air (1994), all of my university (1995), Emigrant to love. Cardinal Giovanni Panico (1998), home of Air (1999), From fragments to artistic prose (2001), history of dialect poetry in Salento (2003) and of course the poetic works of Girolamo Comi edited by Valli (1977) , the writings on Vittorio Bodini, Nicholas G. De Donno, Jeremiah King, Francis Rubichi, Vincenzo Ampolo, and so on.
Now, who notes the variety of scientific output that can not see how the analysis of Donato Valli, beyond a few themes, such as the examination of the fragment, which permeate all his scientific thinking, he is focused with clarity and intellectual curiosity, on showing its benefits, multi-layered poetic and content, of prose writers and poets, and especially southern Salento, handing the history of our literature and works of men intended to otherwise disrupt the flow of history. He wrote that the history of twentieth-century literature Salento. Not only that. He has been able to at the same time - and this should be on - set in large pages the story of his rectory, so as to provide material of great importance for the history of educational and cultural institutions. For these reasons, the Plaque of Merit with Donato Valli was born as a debt of gratitude to a Distinguished Scholar whose existence, in many ways, it coincides with that of the Salento.
Dr. Marina Cosi retires to his father John, who was absent for health reasons. Prof. Giovanni Cosi
Born in Arigliano, village of Gagliano del Capo, John So has devoted his life to the school and laborious archival research.
Sub-Lieutenant Bersaglieri during World War II, he taught for forty years in middle and high schools of the state, always with honesty and probity of conduct.
But from 1960 to date has been and is a tireless gleaner, wallet, card stock analyst, both state and church, so that the same, a prestigious post he covered, Honorary Inspector of the Superintendent of Antiquities and of Monuments, does not fully grasp that he has acquired in attendance of the State of Lecce, in addition to the parish, which allowed him to bring to light events and forgotten names always illuminating with a Comment dry but rigorous, but never abundant clear: I would say essential, as are his writings where nothing is useless or of ancillary content. I am
trace, never to be neglected, the volume of maritime Towers Terra d'Otranto (1989), The Notary and Pandette (1992), Lecce I noticed the sixteenth century (1999), Fragments of History Salento between 500 and 700 ( 2001), Chronicles of Salento Cinquecento (2006) and numerous contributions in collective volumes.
They are an inexhaustible mine of which the protagonists are sonnets and smuggling, agreements and wills, and Acchiatura disputes, booksellers and table clocks, palaces and chapels, feudal lords of ancient lineage and congregations and religious orders (the Dominicans to the Capuchins, the Carmelites), menhirs and dolmens, summaries and rumors, colleges and churches sold to private builders and Spadari, goldsmiths and slaves, doctors of medicine, philosophy and law, even a ghost ship, for not to mention bulky shadow of Emperor Charles V and the philosopher Giulio Cesare Vanini.
And all this through an investigation that crosses and utter confusion in the Salento, from Lecce to Parabita by Gagliano in Tricase, Leuca, Hello, Alessio, Fields, Morciano, Tauranga, Castro, Corsano, Galashiels, and so on. There is no corner of Salento, or rather piece of paper, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century that John So has not recovered, brought back to light, explained, once again, reconnected, made clear. Men
park in saying, John So has his work actually carried out a search of Salento which states, in a positive way, baroque, ranging wherever possible, carefully but firmly pointing out various links, references, referrals, return, indicating always courtesy and safety, becoming therefore an irreplaceable reference point for archival research Salento.
For these reasons, the Department of Homeland Tricase Society History of Puglia, which has seen among its initial supporters made clear they want to recognize the merit of investigator irreplaceable, that of a man who really did, for profit of all, the archive perhaps most loved to dwell. Dr. Alfredo Forty
Born in Maritime, which also belongs to Diso, Alfredo Quaranta has dedicated his life to education, family, school and in his community.
instructor since 1941, graduated in Pedagogy, school director since 1966, he worked as the National Learning Center of Rome as the experienced teacher, manager of the Research Center dell'AIMC Terra d'Otranto, a collaborator of the Group of Pedagogic School Modern Italian " Brescia. Tireless organizer of summer schools, conferences and educational modernization, educational exhibits, was an educator and is particularly vigilant, peaceful, passionate, able to instill in the students, teachers, and in those who frequent the optimism of reason and will.
The numerous awards of merit to be received, such as those granted by the Head of State, "Diploma of Merit 2nd class silver medal" in 1961, "Diploma of Merit 1st class gold medal "in 1984 and the same prize at the" Responsible Education "conferred in Strasbourg, at the Maison d'Europe, are indicative of an educator that the fruitful world of school, grateful, has bestowed.
Forty But Alfredo is not only a man of school and studies that are connected to this world (his volume The school full time in San Cassiano di Lecce, 1982, the educational message of Joseph Monteduro, 1997, but it is also a historical of his land (Marittima, a town of Salento, 1994) and a writer in the description of the real truth blends unobtrusively but decisively with the exhortation educational (Missions War, 1998; The case of India, 2003).
In Indeed, in the volumes of Alfredo Quaranta, written with grace, pleasure and historical attention, clearly reflected the spirit of the educator who knows the facts show not for themselves but for what they have meaning and can mean, explaining their best size for a better life.
In this respect, Alfredo Forty actually belongs to the ranks of the masters in Republican Catholics have known for decades of work with balance, optimism and serenity, not only by transmitting the necessary knowledge useful for life, but to form character, which is the ' fundamental aspect for which the teacher can not be confused with other professions. He, during his long career as teacher and manager, has combined with Ministerial with the reasons for the educator, teaching more than selfishly live righteously, as is required of the Catholic University Teachers with whom he collaborated. So from
educator addressed some episodes of country's history, showing how the love of young people is not separated from that for his land and his home and wanted to remember in his writings. So that the plaque that the Merit Section of the Society of National History Tricase for Puglia's delivery is not only a recognition of a scholar who has joined a long time, but a further proof for an outspoken educator was able to guide and influence generations teachers and pupils. Prof. Salvatore Cassati
always busy in his hometown, in political life in Republican, is vice mayor Tricase in 1945, mayor in 1959, the mayor again in 1972. During his first term as mayor are established Tricase High School, the Institute of Science, professional institutes.
Salvatore Cassano, a man the rest of the school. Professor of Modern Literature, carries out his career as Dean, from the early fifties as instructed, until 1986. Professor of Humanities at the middle school for several years, has left among his pupils a grateful memory. He founded and chaired from 1964 to 1971 the Chamber of Tricase of the "Società Dante Alighieri", from 1977 to 1988 the District Chamber of UCIIM Tricase. Expert
history homeland and offered several valuable contributions, and was among the supporters Tricase and founders of the Section of the Society of National History for Puglia. Personality
shy and straight, gruff-looking but in fact highly available to listen and help human Salvatore Cassano has been able to pass as a professor, as dean, as a politician, as a cultural organization, as a citizen, a sense of duty , commitment, seriousness.
He was and is Tricasini of those who put their lives in service to the community and ideals, without seeking benefices and appanages details, but with a spirit face to the public interest. In this sense he is always busy with seriousness and honesty of the proceedings, showing the without the need to live with consistency and linearity, without slipping into compromise. From this point of view, his testimony ethic is exemplary.
graduated in Rome with prof. Francesco Ercole, who had served as Minister of National Education, Salvatore Cassano always seemed to those who knew him and attended a Cincinnati politics, education and culture, always ready to intervene where necessary and ready to get happy aside, when circumstances did not require his direct involvement. This has always been basically a free man, from beyond its creed for which he fought.
His essays on the Church of San Domenico and Santa Maria de Amit express very well, because of their accuracy, brevity, clarity and reliability, the characteristics of a man of letters who does not like the trappings of a man who for many years in school taught to live well and properly, a person Tricasini where everyone is fond of.
For these reasons, the Department of Homeland Tricase Society for the History of Puglia, which in its initial location, the treasurer has seen upright, never absent member, secretary noticed, gives him joyfully Plaque of Merit as befits those who have through life with the intention of the City as an educator.

Formed in great University where he taught the largest Roman masters of the time, the school direct Filippo Vassalli, Aymone Vittorio, born in Tricase, has come to play, since the war, his forensic work on that with Lecce and Flascassovitti Rubichi first and then with De Pietro, Massari, De Peace, Guacci, as was the entire peninsula is a master of oratory and legal experience.
And in the great Lecce, Vittorio Aymone was and is great among the great cause of the Toga Gold, conferred in 1996, does not fully, despite its undoubted importance and prestigious, the importance it plays in Vittorio Aymone Italian criminal history.
Master of legal wisdom and unsurpassed master of the art of speech, recognized always among the greats of Lecce Forum that has wide recognition bestowed and entrusted with prominent, had the fortune to receive two honorary citizenships, one of the City of Tricase that was the birthplace and the city of Lecce, which together with many illustrious judicial offices, has admired the passion forensic and civil. Why
Vittorio Aymone is not only the great advocate of the Italian peninsula which is fair in its ancient history is second to none in the art of speaking and legal wisdom, is also a man who has spent his land. Thus in the fifties, contributed not a little in the Provincial Administration for the rehabilitation of the network Street, encouraging, among other things, the opening of the coastal Serra to reach Tricase Leuca, one of the most beautiful streets of Italy. Beware also the home of Lecce, was among the promoters of the Celebrations of Salento, who rediscovered success with local history, bringing distinguished scholars to Lecce, and was among the sponsors of the University Consortium from which sprang the University of Lecce (now named more vague, University of Salento), which was opposed by politicians and writers, but that has been able over the years not only to train professionals, but record the presence of scholars who have deservedly set out in the Republic of Letters.
For these reasons, the Chamber Tricase of the Society of National History in Puglia can not in one of his first acts, which give a Vittorio Aymone Plaque of Merit, surely a small thing to a personality so broad, but an expression of sincere affection and gratitude of the "small country" that he has never forgotten.
is to read, Vittorio Aymone, collection of papers sponsored by the Association of Lawyers of Lecce and edited by Pasquale Corleto and Viola Mass (Milan 2007), summa valuable for understanding the lawyer, jurist, man. There Aymone, commemorating Michele De Pietro, writes that wisdom is harmony. "Harmony of thought in the elaboration of the basic ideas leading to the convictions of man and become his ideals and his leadership, harmony of spirit, in the control of instinctive reactions to life's difficulties before (...); harmony of opinion in the assessment of individuals and events that are built around us. The image of a harmonious life guided by reason and feeling, like, exactly, Vittorio Aymone.
Behold in handing over the plaque at the initiation. Vittorio Aymone, the Department of Tricase intends to celebrate not only the eminent lawyer, the citizen participates, the tricasino never forget his land, but one who in his long life exudes the ancient wisdom that had already life, centuries ago, pre-Roman southern Italy.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Birthday Sayings For 2nd

Sign the appeal of the three lawyers and Gustavo Franco Cordero Stefano Rodota Zagrebelsky in defense of press freedom
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How did you hear in the press, by Friday morning we
employment inside the 'Office of the Provincial School.
We are seven colleagues in the school and we are resisting Coordination Precarious
despite the difficulties involved in employment:
grueling night shift, fatigue and burden of defending claims that
we carry. We are determined to continue in the knowledge that
Protests erupted across Italy are here in Rome a
nerve and decided to resonance and amplification. There
strengthens solidarity that many colleagues have shown us in these days, we got
membership of trade unions and political.
Now it is important for many, many temporary workers to the streets to
give soul and strength for mobilization.
MONDAY September 7, AT 15:00
USP STREET Pianciani
To begin a new phase of struggle and demand the withdrawal of the cuts,
make-up chairs and 'permanent employment on all
THIS TIME WE CAN WIN: It depends on us.
Friday, August 28, 2009
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We do not believe I put .... a year ago, at 20:04 Electra was born! How can it be
Monday, August 17, 2009
School Unblocked Games
of the Society of National History in Puglia "
"Giovanni Cingolani"
The Year # 1, new series, 2009
Edizioni del Grifo, Lecce 2009, pp.199
1. Hervé Cavallera - Pages of local history
2. Gino Meuli - From the Bourbon monarchy to the Savoy and its popular uprisings in Salve (1859-1862);
3. Hercules Morciano - locals and foreigners in Tricase in the mid-nineteenth century;
4. Gerard Curley - Societa 'and health' to Tricase since the war to date;
5. Rodolfo Fracasso - Cape Leuca and the beginnings of the modern hospital Tricase;
6. Giuseppe Colucci - Santu PITITU "The vernacular civil Gian Luigi Lazzari;
7. Stefania So * - The Garden - Metaphors and Uses a "place fenced"
8. Rocco Margiotta - The nursery in Preston Don Attilio Tiggiano
9. Cristina Martinelli - The luxury of a middle class family Casarano between the eighteenth and nineteenth century;
10. Aldo Nihill * - The Crypt of Our Lady of the Banner in Sant 'Eufemia - The Story of a restoration
11. Antonio Penna - The church of St. Nicholas in the mirror;
12. Nicola Russi - S. Maria di Leuca Belvedere "Small Leuca"
13. Giovanni Battista Sodero - National Munumenti in Tricase - The Church of Sant 'Angelo;
14. Effin Cazzato - Poems;
15. Alfredo Forty - The case of India - History of a journey from sad ending;
Friday, July 10, 2009
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Saturday, July 4, 2009
Letter To Show The Judge Community Hours
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Hervé A. Cavallera, born in Tricase, is Professor of the History of Education at the University of Salento, where he served as Director of the Department of Pedagogical Sciences, Psychological and Educational and holds the office of President of the degree course in educational area. He also held the teachings of philosophy of education, history of school and educational institutions, Comparative Education, Comparative Education, Children's literature. She has held since the foundation at the headquarters of the SSIS Lecce-Puglia, the teaching of the History of schools and educational institutions and the Laboratory of Education Sciences II. He was deputy head at the Faculty of Education. Adheres to the Department of Classical Philology and Philosophical Sciences.
He has contributed to school reform at the Ministry Moratti. Adviser to the National Council of Research; Auditor for the Ministry of University and Scientific Research Projects of Relevant National Interest, some of which he himself was and is the national coordinator, evaluator, for the Committee for the Evaluation of Research of the Ministry of ' University and Scientific Research, the scientific production of Italian universities.
is a member of the Scientific Committees of the "Fondazione Ugo Spirito", the "Dear John Foundation for Philosophical Studies" (University of Rome - La Sapienza), the Foundation Elémire Zolla, "the" Centre for Bioethics and Human Rights . He is a member of the Italian Society of Education "and" Italian Center for Historical and Educational Research, "which is a member of the Executive, is an ordinary member of the Society of National History in Puglia (and is President of the Chamber of Tricase) and other national and international scientific associations.
has written dozens of books and hundreds of scientific papers, editor of collections of books and board member of several national and international scientific journals.
is editor of "Collected Works" by Giovanni Gentile and member of the Committee for the National Edition of the Works of Ugo Spirito, where he was a disciple.
Hervé A. Cavallera is particularly recognized both nationally and internationally as one of the greatest scholars of Italian idealism both as a historian of the family, of which Italy has offered the first critical examination in an educational key. He has also received numerous awards for its production scientitifica. Some of them remember it:
- in 2000 he received the "Golden Stilo - X National Education Award" for his book Introduction to the history of pedagogy.
- XXXVIII in 2003 received the "Premio Lunigiana, Cinque Terre, the" Books ", volume history of the idea for his family in Italy. Since the early nineteenth century to the end of the monarchy.
- In 2004 he received in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence XXII Premio Firenze "for" the excellence of his work as scholar and teacher of Italian teaching doctrines of the twentieth century, indirizzatasi in particular the study of idealism, and scholar of contemporary philosophy. "
- in 2007 he was awarded the "Capri - San Michele" section "News" for his volume history of the idea of \u200b\u200bfamily in Italy. Since the advent of the republic to the present day. For the same volume, also in 2007, he received the "Golden Stilo - XVIII International Education Award" as well as the "International Award Salvatore Valitutti.
My Newborns Breathing Sounds Congested
The idea of \u200b\u200bfounding a Department of National History in Tricase occurred in the late 70's and dr. Michael Paone, ordinary member of the Company, was appointed as Commissioner, the President Francesco Maria de Robertis for the establishment of the Section. Some activities took place, then everything was adjourned until October 1984 when the new Commissioner, prof. Nicola De Donno, gave birth to an organizing committee in the persons of Professors. D. Valli, HA Cavallera, S. Cashier.
Professor. De woman judge is the section of 28 February 1985, but the opening ceremony of the Chamber, the presence of President prof. FM de Robertis, it was April 26, 1986. The Board was composed of: Profs. Donato Valli (Chairman), A. Hervé Cavallera, Salvatore Cassata, Giuseppe Colucci, Luigi Martella (Secretary). Leucadia
were published. Studies and Research (1986), Bulletin of the Section of Tricase (1987); V. Rael, Masters and other writings by composers from Puglia Puglia Musicology, edited by F. Hail (1990), P. Cafaro, Confitebor tibi Domine, edited by L. Cosi (1991). With the sponsorship of the section seemed D. Valli, Emigrant love. Giovanni Cardinal Panico from Tricase in Sydney (1895-1948) (1998). They held, moreover, a number of conferences. Then followed a period of quiescence.
At the urging of several members of the old Section In February 2006, elected a provisional directors, chaired by prof. Hervé A. Cavallera, who resumed contact with his headquarters, which had become President prof. Cosimo D'Angela. These appointed prof. Giancarlo Vallone, vice president of the company, as Commissioner of the Section to renew.
On July 17, 2008, in the presence of Professor. Vallone, the Division of Tricase is officially reconstituted. The new Executive Committee is composed of the following Ordinary Members: prof. Hervé A. Cavallera (Chairman), Professor. Hercules Morciano, prof. Gino Meuli, Professor Immacolata Tempesta, arch. Giovanni Battista Sodero (Secretary).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Lohri Invitation Ideas
( Bari, March 28, 2004)
Art a
Article 2
Article 4
Article 5
The Executive Council shall meet in ordinary meeting and expressed their views on the budget and final balance sheet. It meets for the formulation of work plan and any other proposal to be submitted to, particularly as the appointment of new members and the amount of annual dues. Approve, in addition, the work program proposed by each section and appoint the chairmen of the Sections of study in art. 26. It meets in an extraordinary meeting for any eventuality. It takes decisions by majority vote and its meetings are valid when there are at least six of its members. The President is obliged to convene the Council, when the attendance is requested by at least three components. The Board elects a secretary and a treasurer.
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12
The treasurer expects the financial management of the Company which is directly responsible and, in particular, has the task of drafting the budget and account sheet and submit it to the Board together with the written report of the Board of Auditors.
Article 13
The Board of Auditors consists of five ordinary members, of which three auditors and two alternate members, appointed for three years and its members can be reappointed. The Auditors shall prepare a written report on the financial management of the Company.
Article 14
Article 15
Article 17 Ordinary Members and correspondents are required to pay the annual fee, which is given by the Board and approved by shareholders and entitles you to the corporate body. Members are also responsible for fifty percent discount on publications of the Society.
Article 18
Article 19
a) the 'Code Diplomatic Pugliese, "already" Diplomatic Code Barese
Article 20
Article 21
Article 22
Article 23
Article 24
Article 26
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Heart And Stroke Commercial
Hello everyone .... Elizabeth of and Beta BimBumBeta have decided to appoint ...... fortunately has nothing to do with big brother ..... O_o!