Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Does The Gel Bracelets Mean

For some time the focus of psychology has turned particularly to education and this is because the same education, once seen as philosophy of education, with time it has also undergone radical changes, reflecting the new climate, both scientific and social, of our times.

The psychology was born in the early twentieth century through the work of behaviorists such as Edward Lee Thorndike, operating in the United States, and Claparede, Belgian pedagogue functional matrix, in the wake of the first research done by these pioneers psychology have been to develop new and interesting psychological theories learning objective, as conceptualism of Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget's genetic epistemology, specifically targeted to the mental development of children and the so-called "development zone next" attribute Vygotskj.

The psychologist is interested in possible improvements to the education situation in order to adapt as much as possible to the needs of students and is concerned with developing methods of teaching and learning more effective, thanks largely to the groundwork laid by learning teory , which gave rise to three major research areas: military training, education and the taxonomy of the planned learning objectives. Recently, some psychologists have specialized in the management the classroom, helping teachers to develop psychological and social skills that allow you to create a peaceful and productive school environment. Other scholars (among them, Andrea Canevaro, Paul Zanelli, Vittorio Severi, Giampietro Lippi, who are based, directly or indirectly in the education institutions) have paid particular attention to the organization of the educational context, to develop specific tools for your organization (tools organizers of the educational context), including the integrating background, which has spread in Italy, especially in the context of the nests and nursery schools.

recently psychology has also developed a size explained the methodology of clinical functional diagnosis: a psychodiagnostic procedure aimed at assessing the psychological and behavioral components generally used in the school to investigate the influences of family contexts, academic performance, and to measure the seriousness of situations of severe disability and social-relational. Today, psychology is also involved in the life cycle of the elderly.


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